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Tb Not Recording Miles...why Not?


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It's been happening for quite a while now. Click on Recalculate Distance in the upper right corner of the screen; that should update it for you.


I'm looking at a Travel Bug page right now and I don't see Recalculate Distance in the upper right corner or anywhere on the screen. Why can't I find it?

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In a post (sorry, couldn't re-find it) Jeremy mentioned that with the new incarnation of the site, TB miles will only be updated once a day, and only on days that logs/notes/... were posted to that TB. So, I've noticed with mine that someone will place the TB and it will read (on my owners page) as having moved with no miles (not 0 -- just blank) below that location. But, if I wait til the next morning, it will have miles, and they'll update into the overall mileage for the TB (I have 3 in a race, so I've been paying close attention). I don't need to click recalculate distance or anything like that - I just have to remember to check the TB's a full day after the log.

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My long silent TB has resurfaced. Yahooo. But the mileage isn't showing. I did the Recalculate distance and nothing changed. It's last mileage is from Ohio but it was taken to Missouri and doesn't show the distance. Any other hints or help available to correct and show mileage?

What seemed to start the problem was someone Placing it and then someone Grabbing it before the iintial place could log their Place way back in Nov 05. It was all academic when the TB went MIA.

Thanks in advance


a while later: was able to fix the problem and then the Recalculate worked....so thankGodfortheForums and all the helpful cachers out there. Now fingers crossed the TB gets Placed.

Edited by MsChief Gps_y
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