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Pq: Updated In The Last 7 Days


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I have a PQ that I run from time to time (and 5 mores that run on Fridays (with Dates.. to get all the caches I want)...) but that's not the point.


That one PQ that I run from time to time, is basically this:

Get all caches in my "province" that have been "Updated in the last 7 days".


I've been running it for the last 6 months and it was working fine until recently (don't know when exactly it "changed behaviour"! :anicute: )


It still gets me 500 (or less) caches that have been updated in the last 7 days, but I don't get the NEW caches (published "yesterday"). But, I use to get them.. with the exact same PQ!


I'm confused..




P.S.: I hope my explanation is clear (my first language is french and it's late!) :yikes:


Choose placed within the last 7 days. What you are probably seeing is so many caches being updated that you don't end up seeing the new ones.


Choose placed within the last 7 days. What you are probably seeing is so many caches being updated that you don't end up seeing the new ones.

Thanks.. I will try that.. but, I will only get cache that have been updated or placed in the last 7 days.. not those that have been updated more than 7 days ago!

Will try out different options (placed in last month) and see what give me less than 500 results..


Thanks again.


Choose placed within the last 7 days. What you are probably seeing is so many caches being updated that you don't end up seeing the new ones.

Thanks.. I will try that.. but, I will only get cache that have been updated or placed in the last 7 days.. not those that have been updated more than 7 days ago!

Will try out different options (placed in last month) and see what give me less than 500 results..

I think that Jeremy is confirming that new caches would (should) be in the list if there were any and if your PQ size were less than 500. (If that is not the case, then I do agree with you that this would be new behavior and that that would be VERY undesirable).


Jeremy's suggestion is not particularly useful without him also saying that you would need to do this in a saparate additional PQ. Checking both checkboxes in the same PQ will not give you what you want (i.e. it will only give you those caches that are new which have already been found). You might instead want to create as many PQs as needed with each returning less than 500, each using the same criteria you have had in the past, except that each will use a different range of "placed date" so as to prevent overlap while maximizing the nuber of returned caches. For the last one (most recent "layer"), use an end date far in the future and be aware that this one will grow until it eventually exceeds returning 500 caches.

Choose placed within the last 7 days. What you are probably seeing is so many caches being updated that you don't end up seeing the new ones.

Thanks.. I will try that.. but, I will only get cache that have been updated or placed in the last 7 days.. not those that have been updated more than 7 days ago!

Will try out different options (placed in last month) and see what give me less than 500 results..

I think that Jeremy is confirming that new caches would (should) be in the list if there were any and if your PQ size were less than 500. (If that is not the case, then I do agree with you that this would be new behavior and that that would be VERY undesirable).

It does return 500 wpts.. but, I'd like to see the new wpts being reported BEFORE the waypoints that were existing and have been modified. Maybe just a sort order to check?


Or.. maybe have an option "That has been modified in the last 1 or 2 or 3 days".

Jeremy's suggestion is not particularly useful without him also saying that you would need to do this in a saparate additional PQ. Checking both checkboxes in the same PQ will not give you what you want (i.e. it will only give you those caches that are new which have already been found). You might instead want to create as many PQs as needed with each returning less than 500, each using the same criteria you have had in the past, except that each will use a different range of "placed date" so as to prevent overlap while maximizing the nuber of returned caches. For the last one (most recent "layer"), use an end date far in the future and be aware that this one will grow until it eventually exceeds returning 500 caches.

I already have 6 PQ (that are splitted by date placed to return less than 499 waypoints) that run every Friday to get everything (≈2800 wpts) I want.. and I have one more PQ that runs for last 7 days but does not return the new waypoints anymore..


Thanks for your input Hynr!

Posted (edited)

Choose placed within the last 7 days. What you are probably seeing is so many caches being updated that you don't end up seeing the new ones.


I used to use a query like this but ran into problems when our very dedicated and hard working local approvers fall behind and caches take longer than a week to get approved.

Edited by Blanston12
Choose placed within the last 7 days. What you are probably seeing is so many caches being updated that you don't end up seeing the new ones.

Thanks.. I will try that.. but, I will only get cache that have been updated or placed in the last 7 days.. not those that have been updated more than 7 days ago!

Will try out different options (placed in last month) and see what give me less than 500 results..


Thanks again.

Ok.. tried it and got the new caches I wanted, but now, I only get caches that have been updated and placed in last 7 days!!! <_<


(...) I'd like to see the new wpts being reported BEFORE the waypoints that were existing and have been modified. Maybe just a sort order to check?


Or.. maybe have an option "That has been modified in the last 1 or 2 or 3 days". (...)

Again.. could it be possible that the sort order, when looking for the caches updated in the last 7 days be descending from the newest to the oldest? This ways, I would catch the new wpts and anything esle that has been updated (max. 500 of course)!

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