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How To Find Maps

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Yesterday I bought my 1st GPS, Magellan Meridian Gold. So far I'm pretty overwhelmed. I'm going fishing in Canada in May and I would like to find a GPS map for that area. But I'm having a hard time finding maps. Are there any really good places to search, or should I just google and hope for the best?


A lot of map packs I've seen say they cover a broad area, but how do you really know if the one particular place your looking for is included?


How difficult is it to create your own map? Any software/tutorial for doing this?


Thanks from a true GPS newbie.

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Sorry...Proprietary is the way it happens with GPS. This is one of the very most common questions that new GPS users have..."Do I have to buy Garmin's maps for my Garmin receiver?" or the same question with Magellan receivers and maps.


Unfortunately...Yes to both.


There is a labor intensive way to create your own maps for Garmin units (I don't think there is for Magellan, but I might be wrong.), but it goes way beyond what most people are willing to put into it.


This is where an actual salesman in an actual real, hands-on store can clear up these sorts of questions before they are even asked by the customer.

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