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I'm assuming that by "lagging" you mean slower updating of your position after already obtaining a lock. I don't know about your particular unit, but I have found that the few that I have will lag more in cold-weather operation. Also, any function that involves more resources (mapping) will make that more pronounced. In answer to your question - no, it's not the sattelites.


If by "lagging" you mean slower to obtain a lock - it's still not the sattelites (barring a temporary condition caused by solar activity). If you are out in particularly cold weather, you might want to switch to lithium batteries.

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Your answer may be in your statement about loading maps. The Lowrance has the ability to show Latitude & Longitude lines and gives you the ability to adjust the amount of detail on the map. GPS's are just computers and have CPU's that can only process so much information in a given time frame. If you are in an area with lots of roads, lots of topo features, (i.e. in a city with hills and ravines) then it can be trying to process more information in one second than its CPU can handle. As well, remember that a position calculation is a quite complicated thing and takes CPU cycles to accomplish.


Try turning off some details and that lat/long lines and then do some trial and error on what level of detail gives you the performance you want. Oh, yeah, that faster you are moving (like in a car) the more lag you will see.



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Your H2O has dual processors and will always show position to within the limit of what you set the update to.


If you're driving down the highway at 60 mph you will be <=88 feet off if the unit is still at it's defaults from the factory. If you bumped the power saving then it might be a little slower if you pushed it all the way out.


Describe what you mean by lagging please.

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Thanks for all your responses. In response to miles, I mean that my GPS is slow to update my position. I didn't realize there were default settings on this so they haven't been changed. I'm also having a lot of bouncing. When I'm just standing still w/a destination locked in I bounce from 4ft away from it to suddenly 50ft & I haven't moved. :unsure:

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Sounds like you're holding the unit verticallly instead of face up. The antenna is in the area above the screen and needs to have a clear view of the sky. What you just described is the way it acts with marginal signal. The EPE numbers on a Lowrance are very conservatively calculated and you will likely never see < 15 feet.

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