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Posts posted by Zop

  1. Presently i have 3292 finds and i seem lately to be interested in unique finds,imagitave hides,kids fun -loving finds....i can revisit my finds any time I want, cause i've put them close to home....But when should i stop finding????


    KoosKoos couldn't have said it better. "When finding isn't fun any more."


    If you're having a good time, it really is no longer 'about the numbers'. Just get out there for the excersize, fresh air (unless of course you live in the greater metropolitan Los Angeles area), and [insert your favorite reason to cache here]

  2. Scheduled PQs haven't run. I set them to run yesterday, Friday and nothing happened. Still, I made one from scratch and it ran instantly. I'm sure this will get fixed. :)


    This is the same problem I've had for ages. Although I do not schedule any PQ's if I opt to rerun a saved PQ that has been run at any time in the last week or so, it just sits there checked to run. It has gotten to the point where if I want to run a PQ and receive it promptly, I have to either copy an existing one or create a new one.


    Not knowing how the database handles all those archived PQ's, I would suspect that this isn't exactly a benefit to the database that generates the queries.

  3. I really do have to add my $0.02.

    As someone who works with computers on a daily basis (Network Specialist, Systems Engineer), I have to agree that at times last week the site was unavailable and at times VERY slow to respond to simple requests. It hasn't been too bad lately however there is an issue with PQ's. While the issue may simply be by design it does get very frustrating when you submit a saved PQ to and nothing happens. I have found that if I want to generate a PQ that I have run within the last week or so, I have to make a copy and submit the copy. I would much rather be able to simply open a saved PQ, select the day and submit.


    Ok. enough of my soap box. I'll take it to the appropriate topic.


    Doesn't work for me unfortunately. The PQ only shows the last 5 logs.


    Which is correct. You can download from the individual pages and get 20.




    Which is why this method is useless when group caching unless you are going into an area that has only new caches with less than 5 logs. Let's face it, no one is going to individually select a few hundred pages for manual download.

    I know I've been to a few towns in the last two years that will have caches that have been found far more than 20 times since my visit. So when we group cache, those caches will show as unfound by our group.


    There was some talk/feature request to add the ability to select a username when configuring a PQ but I lost track of that thread.

    Perhaps this would tax the database too much.

  5. The answer to any question like this: "I want to do ???? with a PQ" is buy GSAK. Click Filter then logs. Fill in the desired information and go. It will show only the caches logged by those people. Delete them and you got a file with just what you want. Of course you can save the filter for later use so you don't have to reenter.


    I have been a GSAK user for years. I just gave the filter – log, sort a try and it works beautifully. Thank you for the help. I’m always learning new uses for GSAK.


    Doesn't work for me unfortunately. The PQ only shows the last 5 logs.

  6. So, what has geocaching on the gorgeous days of the season kept you from?


    What has it kept me from doing?


    Geocaching has kept me from neglecting my kids by sitting in front of my computer working too many hours every day instead of doing something with them.

    Geocaching has prevented me from working on other hobbies in the garage when the kids are stuck in the house wishing we would go out somewhere.

    Geocaching has prevented me from gaining weight because of the above, (down two notches in my belt).

    Geocaching has prevented me from missing out on the natural beauty of the seasons effect on our parks.

    Geocaching has kept me from staying home to watch some lame summer TV rerun when I could be at the Grand Canyon with my kids - SO WHAT if it's like 800 miles away?

    Geocaching has prevented me from enjoying boredom, stagnation, innui, suffering seasonal affective disorder and so many others that I just dont have time to worry about anymore because I'd rather go caching :antenna:


    So... I'm wondering.. What has geocaching allowed you to do?

  7. Wow!! All that in only two weeks? You GO girl!



    Oooh, this is a good topic!


    I have neglected getting back to work on time from lunchbreaks because I went out to find a cache

    have purchased caching supplies and stuff online instead of actually working

    have created and organized my caching binder instead of working

    I have stayed up late on the Groundspeak forums instead of sleeping

    I have wandered away from roleplaying games to find a nearby cache

    I have gotten to dinner dates with friends late because of caching

    I have arrived home late by over an hour at times due to caching or caching related shopping trips...

    Hmm.... Oh!


    I have neglected putting money in my vacation fund because I spent all my money on caching

    I have accidentally not been able to pay small bills, like my spare cell phone, because I spent money on caching..


    I think that's it, for now...



  8. I too frequently have issues with my PQ's but only if I had run them before. All new PQ's generate almost immediately (within minutes anyway) however if I have a PQ that ran say sometime last month and I go into the PQ, tell it to run today, and submit, it seems to take hours or not at all.


    I'm finding that I have to copy my PQ, delete the old one and run the copy. Then I get the PQ promptly.

  9. It is painfully slow right now.


    It sure is.. And I though having Vista was bad enough.. I can't even view a friend's page..


    "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."


    Are the servers running IIS? If so is it set to recycle worker processes and shut down idle processes? Or is this an issue with the SQL calls?

  10. Geocaching.com limits it's pocket queries to 500 caches. I'm probably missing the obvious here but how do you work around this limit in a cache dense area? Is sorting the caches by date the only way? Thanks to anyone who takes the time to reply.


    One great tip I received was to simply create a few PQ's filtered by date. one for caches placed between 2000 and 2002, another from 2002 to 2004 and so on...


    If your area is that dense, you could end up with 2500 caches!

  11. Interesting..


    Of my first 100 caches, 29 have been archived... a couple more should have been :D


    However, I've only been caching for two years and of the 5000 + I've found so far, only 10.6% have been archived. We have some pretty active cache owners out this way.

  12. Since things were working fine, even though they aren't now...why do you assume someone 'did something'?


    You do realize it's only 6am in Seattle, right? No one has changed anything for at least 16 hours.


    Poo happens...take a break and have dinner or a drink...it'll get fixed.


    New code may have caused a problem with the xxsql backend. I bet this isn't resolved immediately but a service/server restart should kick the site back up.


    I'm sorry but that's WAY COOL!


    I would love to find a 'loonie' in a cache!



    Your opinion may be different if you are from a state that boarders Canada. That being said how about sending some Mexican coins north!




    Being that I live in the state of cOnFuSiOn, I'd be more than happy to send some peso's your way! :laughing:

  14. I was recently reading up on the rating of caches and have come upon the idea that when placing a cache that requires a specific tool, the difficulty of the cache should be rated accordingly.


    Being that Wherigo's require the use of a specific make and generation of GPS, does this not qualify as neding a special tool to locate thus warranting a higher than usual difficulty rating? For me, I use the 60CSx and cannot find a Wherigo unless I buy/beg/borrow a tool (Oregon or Colorado) to find the cache.



  15. I have been considering upgrading to premium, but i am not sure.


    Are the services when you upgrade worth it?


    Why not try it for a month and see for yourself?


    When I first started caching, I had no problem with just using the .loc's and EasyGPS but then I decided that I would like to try looking for more than a few at a time and didn't want to have to print out the descriptions for each. So I upgraded to premium member so I could use PQ's, GSAK and my PDA. For me anyway, I would say that since I've upgraded, the fun has grown exponentially.


    I still don't like PMO caches though :laughing:

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