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Posts posted by CSpenceFLY

  1. I think it's a bad idea to over promote this activity and an even worst idea to take it into the schools. Kids today are disrespectful at best.


    As a homeschooler, I disagree. Gecocaching is part of our curriculum and my three kids (8,7, and 5) have a blast. They are also very respectable of the caches. I think the key is to start education at an early age. And not to forget the all important lesson of respect with whatever is taught. But no matter how much respect is "spoken of", it is better learned through example. That's what falls on us as adults to do.


    The part in bold changes your situation quite a bit. Yes I know I made a blanket statement but everything has it's exceptions.


    So you're implying that my child, who attends public school, is disrespectful? That's disrespectful.


    Oh, by the way, the neuter singular possessive pronoun is "its," not "it's." "It's" is a contraction for "it is." I learned that in public school, thank you very much. In what kind of school did you fail to learn it?


    (Yes, "spelling flames" are usually lame, but thanks to you, we're talking about the relative value of different kinds of education. Everything has its exceptions! :) )


    Your right guys. Not worth saying.

  2. Something as simple as the way we rate our own caches to publish them would work. Only the system would take an average of the responses.


    So would that be something like 1 thru 5? With 1 equaling? Our caches are rated on two dimensions: Terrain and Difficulty, perhpas size/type also. What would be the 'people' rating dimension(s)?


    I have not really put that much thought into it. I don't think it will ever happen because a large percentage of caches IMO would get a poor rating.

  3. I think it's a bad idea to over promote this activity and an even worst idea to take it into the schools. Kids today are disrespectful at best.


    As a homeschooler, I disagree. Gecocaching is part of our curriculum and my three kids (8,7, and 5) have a blast. They are also very respectable of the caches. I think the key is to start education at an early age. And not to forget the all important lesson of respect with whatever is taught. But no matter how much respect is "spoken of", it is better learned through example. That's what falls on us as adults to do.


    The part in bold changes your situation quite a bit. Yes I know I made a blanket statement but everything has it's exceptions.

  4. As I said, giving a basic presentation to a group is fine. Teach the basics and leave geocaching.com out of it. Then see who in the group is interested in more information. Sometimes we try to force feed people things thay don't want to know. If they are interested they will ask for more.

  5. I think it's a bad idea to over promote this activity and an even worst idea to take it into the schools. Kids today are disrespectful at best.
    That's kind of a sweeping statement. I think it's a perfect activity for kids in scouts. When my son was in Boy Scouts, the scouts really enjoyed looking for caches while out hiking. It enhanced the experience. So my suggestion would be to promote it, when it makes sense to promote it. :D




    Nothing was said in the original post about scouts. He said teaching in schools. IMO reaching the ones that might show interest is not worth exposing the sport to what is bound to happen if this is done. Now if it can be done without using real caches and without mentioning Geocaching.com then that is a different story. Teaching the concept without exposing everything.Something like an advanced class that is taugh later where you would learn about the website.


    You all think what you want or better yet do it in your area and report back and let us know how it goes. I bet it 's not going to be pretty. I mean you can't even get some of the adults that know about this to play right and you want to turn a bunch of 14 yr old loose on it.

  6. I need to vent. I have a cache that I placed a couple of months ago. It was designed to be a night cache but can be done during the day. After a pointed log entry and then a username created to clame a find and complain somemore I decided to go check on the cache to re-evaluate it and possible make some changes in the cache layout and or the description. I was not prepared for what I would find. Someone seeking the cache took a machete with them into the woods. You can nearly follow their trail from one point to the next all the way to the final. Cuts have been made in the trees that my stages are in. The final area,where you have to find three points and then look for the cache inside the area formed by the points, has been defined with the machete. I can not believe that any cacher would do this to a cache area. I have no way of knowing who did this, weather it was the last person to log or if someone else has been there since it was logged.


    I decided to re-write the cache page to make some of the hints a little more obvious and bring to light the method I thought people would use to seek this cache. One thing for sure, it's not hard anymore.


    End of rant.

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