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Everything posted by 2202

  1. If you enjoy your cinematic experience to be of the French Gaelic variety, rather than the high calorific Hollywood pap, then this may well be a film for you. So take a trip down to your local enlightened cinema to watch a film that crosses a number of mainstream boundaries. It will leave you with a number of questions to ponder over as you make your way home afterwards.
  2. 34 in 9 hours, and I am not what is described as young anymore.
  3. Just like this? It works! (there was a problem with the initial scanned image) Appols for the bump.
  4. Finally got the image to come through. How do you get an image straight into the post?
  5. Trust the image comes through. Film advert
  6. Firstly, congrats and coms to Deego for the work put in. Secondly the linking with GC.com could prove interesting as it may show a 'who's hot, and who's sadly lagging behind', if it is done on a yearly basis with the ability to have a form table extraction month by month. Worth exploring to bring it up to another league so to speak, and not just repeat what has gone before (however good).
  7. This was after he chickened out at the Girl Guides late yesterday afternoon. Lost his nerve. Well done Bob, its a pity the girl guides did not come up trumps in the rain.
  8. Got your excellent guide already ,and have packed it memory and storage. And have obtained MM from a source that shall remain unknown. Its good to sit in front of a roaring fire as oposed to the study when doing this. Find the lack of ¿ marks and ¡ annoying unless these upside down versions are it
  9. Thanks to good old Santa now proud owner of an Acer N50 with all mod cons. And all for only £220 Paperless caching at last. Santa been good to anyone else. Except that I cannot find the question mark.
  10. Thanks to good old Santa now proud owner of an Acer N50 with all mod cons. And all for only £220 Paperless caching at last. Santa been good to anyone else. Except that I cannot find the question mark.
  11. It seems my Zilch for the month does not merit a placement. Spent too much time dreaming up difficult caches to worry about going outside.
  12. Felt and heard it in Oxford! the bed did indeed shake. First thought that it was local, but heard no sirens so put it down to a mini earthquake. And we were all 6Km from it last night. No signs of the smoke this way.
  13. Forum (n) 1. The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business. 2. A public meeting place for open discussion. 3. A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas, such as a newspaper or a radio or television program. 4. A public meeting or presentation involving a discussion usually among experts and often including audience participation. 5. A court of law; a tribunal. 6. Any discussion group accessible through a dial-in BBS, a mailing list, or a Usenet newsgroup . A forum functions much like a bulletin board; users submit postings for all to read and discussion ensues. Contrast with(sic)real-time chatroom (sic) or point-to-point personal e-mail. Chatroom (n) 1. A site on the internet where a number of users can communicate in real time (typically one dedicated to a particular topic). Its not OED but it will suffice.
  14. Its those Herefordhire country airs that are getting to you Peter! But on HH's point. Moote's PDA guide has been a bonus (as have others), likewise Lordelph's Greasemonkey scripts. Dodgedave cache murder mystery and Squirrelling Away threads have been good to follow, but lakeuk's photographs from the Lake District today have been a great highlight. And the apology was two fold.
  15. Hard to say (on this page) as Lordelph's little script works wonders.
  16. The question to hand concerns the increase in spurious threads to this forum. Whether that has anything to do with standards is a moot(e) point. The fact that I am trying to raise standards (and I have a good pedigree there) is purely circumstantial.
  17. No, we use the squadies method of opening them! NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SUBJECT!!!! Clear off to some other thread
  18. Following a series of off subject threads, notably Go-Karting and the more recent ‘how many words begin with GEO’, I posted the thread titled ‘Psychoanalysis and Caching’. This was a complete spoof, for I know nothing about psychoanalysis, let alone the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, but yet the thread received a remarkable amount of replies. Can I ask that we return this forum to a subject base that is Geocaching, and not some spurious discussion about ‘wishing me luck, I am going to drive around the M25’ etc.etc type thread.
  19. And you can iron my shirts as well.
  20. ENFP Almost the antithesis of me then! ESTJ Ah! but I do like GCMWHF
  21. Just musing, but what school of psychology do you think caching falls into: Jungian or Freudian? Maybe we should all have a go at taking Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to see which trait we fall under.
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