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Everything posted by delta123

  1. delta123

    New builder!

    I have the same troubles, some of the error tekst is in DUTCH though. Can't load any of my cartridges. David, what are en-US settings?
  2. delta123

    New builder!

    I have the same troubles, some of the error tekst is in DUTCH though. Can't load any of my cartridges.
  3. I installed the new release of the builder but cant load any cartridges. I did un-instal the previous version first. Some of the error reads : error reading cartridge System.FormatException De tekereeks is niet als geldige DateTime herkend(DUTCH) bij System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s ,DateTimeIFormatInfo dtfi, DateTime DateTimeStyles styles 5 more lines
  4. 1. Participating - YES 2. Received Name -YES 3. Mission Complete - YES 4. Package Received? - still waiting
  5. I want to include the hex code in my cartridge. I think i can do that After every update of the lua file does the code change? Do you have to edit the code every time?
  6. When creating a zone i cant use the create from map function (altough is seems to work in the new tutorial) it keeps saying that no data exists for this theme, try another theme.
  7. When you set a proximity around a zone (say 100 meters) after saving the file the distance changes to feet (i think) Perhaps that is also a problem related to european settings?
  8. Very Good! A tutorial will be very helpful for the beginner. Well done!
  9. i have a problem with the timer i play a little sound(aprox 10 seconds) i want to open a messagebox after 10 seconds i have the following code: play sound start timer(countdown 10 seconds)When a timer tick event occurs open a message box everytime the messagebox opens directly when the soundfile starts. what am i doing wrong?
  10. Half an hour ago the ISS came over Holland as a bright star in the sky. I could see the spacestation very clearly. It is a shame the ISS locationless geocache International Space Station is disabled.
  11. I am about to publish my first Wherigo-geocache. Its in the last test-fase, there are still little bugs if you take incorrect actions but still get a good result. Ik think if i put the final cache-location in the code it will be easely hacked? what if i put the final waypoint on a JPG-file. The geocache community in Holland is a bit cautious about this project because they have to have extra hardware to be able to do this cache-type. So the quality has to be reasonable to give this new function a good start. It has to have a bit of a WOW-factor. In the Netherlands we have our own quality system for geocaches. People can give awards to high-quality caches. I hope this new cache-type will be a good new innovative function and that it will be a good addition to the existing geocache possibility's. I think is has good potential for high quality multicaches or for fun events(would like to try that out)
  12. I was struggeling with this but found the explanation here, Thanks. When will there be a bit more documentation? EDIT: after implementing this i keep getting errors when i change from true to false 9attempt to indexx field xxx (a nil value)
  13. 1. Participating - YES 2. Received Name - YES 3. Mission Complete - YES 4. Package Received! - not yet
  14. I realy enjoyed playing your game (only virtually). I am a trekkie and remember the episode very well. I didnt do very well but i learned a lot of your approach. I released some experiments but the real one is coming up. i think the hardest part is to come up with a good script and acompening graphics (not grabbed from the net). i feel myself a sort of filmdirector. i could do with a designer and a scriptwriter ( oh yes they are on strike)
  15. But does a Wherigo geocache have to have a phyisical cache? Or can the completion of a cartridge be a reason to make a log?
  16. I think you have the same problem as i had. Its the komma and dot problem in your language settings. Look in this tread. kalkendotter gives the answer. i hope
  17. There is a new version of the builder. What are the updates?
  18. Envelope arrived safely in the Netherlands. Thanks.
  19. Thankyou for the updates. Good work!
  20. It installed on my IPaq 6815 with BT-GPS with no problem.
  21. i have a cartridge published but cannot find where the button to activate the publish source is. Oeps, to quick. Its on the Creative Commons page. Not charging any money for my cartridge yet
  22. Could you please come to the Netherlands ?
  23. This made all the difference for me. Suddenly i end up where i am supposed to be! Thanks kalkendotters ( i could have just shouted from here!) This is also a internationalisation problem, here too you cannot work if you have your decimal-separator set to the comma instead of the point. Go to Settings (configuratiescherm), countrysetting (landinstellingen), choose 'change' (aanpassen) after your country, and set de decimalseparator to '.' (point) and the digitgrouping to ',' comma The problem is that during writing the lua-script is messed up because is writes , as digitseperator instead of . it should be written like: zonepplaats.Points = { ZonePoint(52.75,4.75,0), ZonePoint(52.76,4.75,0), ZonePoint(52.76,4.76,0) } however, it gets written as: zonepplaats.Points = { ZonePoint(52,75,4,75,0), ZonePoint(52,76,4,75,0), ZonePoint(52,76,4,76,0) }
  24. Yes decimal degrees is selected. This is a piece of the code with the wp's -- Zones -- zoneParkeerplaats = Wherigo.Zone(cartKetelbinkie) zoneParkeerplaats.Id="b620ec2a-5596-4c25-b58c-12a7a9dcbb8b" zoneParkeerplaats.Name="Parkeerplaats" zoneParkeerplaats.Description=[[Parkeer hier je auto]] zoneParkeerplaats.Visible=true zoneParkeerplaats.DistanceRange = Distance(1500, "feet") zoneParkeerplaats.ShowObjects="OnEnter" zoneParkeerplaats.ProximityRange = Distance(200, "feet") zoneParkeerplaats.AllowSetPositionTo=false zoneParkeerplaats.Active=true zoneParkeerplaats.Points = { ZonePoint(51899890,20144,4478828,79856,0), ZonePoint(51899890,20144,4478759,20144,0), ZonePoint(51899959,79856,4478759,20144,0), ZonePoint(51899959,79856,4478828,79856,0) } zoneParkeerplaats.OriginalPoint = ZonePoint(51899925,4478794,0) zoneParkeerplaats.DistanceRangeUOM = "Meters" zoneParkeerplaats.ProximityRangeUOM = "Meters" zoneParkeerplaats.OutOfRangeName = "" zoneParkeerplaats.InRangeName = I know there is something wrong i am doing but cant figure out what
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