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Everything posted by TheVoytekBear

  1. m:geo (maloo geocaching) na Windows Mobile 10
  2. Chodzi o wyłączenie i włączenie telefonu, czy o format? pisząc po polsku Restart (wyłaczenie i właczenie)
  3. Zacznij od resetu telefonu. Co do użycia sieci komórkowej, możesz spróbować wyłączyć net po tym jak GPS załapie. Dostęp do neta przyspiesza określenie pozycji bo telefon przez neta ściąga pozycję satelitów.
  4. Android... sprawdź, czy do ustalania lokalizacji używasz GPS czy tylko sieci komórkowej. To jest ustawienie systemu operacyjnego (bodajże w opcjach prywatności).
  5. Let me finish this topic once and for all. If you are thinking of anything other than traditional caches you SHOULD familiarize yoursefl (at least in terms of knowing what is available) with this site: http://www.geocachingtoolbox.com/ Some puzzles will become easier, some multicaches more managable and some letterboxes solvable before you go hunt them down. Decrypting the Mission GC is also possible thanks to one of the "things" available there. BTW. Shouldn't it be announced already?
  6. you mean like what I found in there? So basically the guy is stupid again...
  7. My point of view is that if the caches get archived, another cacher can place new, maintained caches in the area. "Community-maintained-because-the-CO-doesn't" caches are not a service to the geocaching community, IMHO, as they are usually poorly maintained, if at all. It just causes the cache to limp along when a new cache could be placed (and actually maintained!) there. I agree. We've been to many awesome spots we'd never believe exist because of this silly hobby. - Most popular enough that if a CO abandoned his "spot", it'd be grabbed in little time by another who (hopefully) would provide a maintenance plan not dependent on others. That might be the case in saturated areas. The place I was writing about is located away from large cities. Except from a long bike PT there is a very low cache saturation. Two of the caches from that series are already archived and no one used the spots...
  8. I don't cary such a workshop with me but I always have a few spare zip bags, a notebook I can take a sheet of paper to make a temporary log and an adhesive tape (good for making ad hoc stripe logs). As for the previous log, it depends. If it is unreadable anyway, I throw it out, if it was already a temporary thing (like a shopping receipt), I make a photo and attach it to my entry. If the cache can fit many logs I just add a new one. If the log is readable but the container won't fit any additional paper, I leave the cache as I found it (trying to log anywhere). Despite what some are saying (if the CO doesn't maintain the cache it deserves to die) I think I went somewhere to find the cache and the others would like to do the same. It would be good if they could find something (especially that I still don't have caches on my own). E.g. there is a series around a very nice palace complex in Lower Silesia which attract cachers there to see it. The CO doesn't do any maintenance but it would be a shame if the caches vanished. I wouldn't have discovered the place if it weren't for that series.
  9. Power trail is not always a bad thing. Those along high traffic roads are, but there are also series which lead you to some nice places to hike or just take walk, and those are valuable. Additionally to the questions above I'd ask: Would you like to be there if the caches weren't around? If the answer is yes, it is still worth the effort. Of course, if there is some nice place along the route, try to show it. If there are some spots which could fit a larger, maybe nicer cache try to do it as well. The thing I value the most in geocaching is being shown nice places, but when I'm planning my caching before weekend I rather go where there are many caches, especially if I have to drive 50km or more. PS. Just yesterday I gave FP (and I don't give favourite points often) to a cache which was literally a PET container. The reason was the place it took me to was really awesome.
  10. Oni Cię wkurzyli, a mi nie odpisałeś na PM A tak na serio to jak już coś od kogoś chcę to między 21 a 9 rano wysyłam najpierw kontrolnego SMSa, czy nie śpi. I to niezależnie jak ważna jest sprawa (również służbowa). Nie zdarzyła mi się jeszcze sytuacja, która wymagałaby nagięcia tej reguły (no chyba, że wiedziałem, że ktoś nie śpi).
  11. I actually expected this type of challenge. And yes, I finally got the email.
  12. What I dislike the most (apart from poor quality chaches 30m off the cords with inadequate attributes and hint) is mixing tree climbing caches into hiking series, where the tree cache usually contains information for the bonus cache for completing the trail. It's like saying "We invite you to take walk through (insert a nice place here), but [removed] f you don't do tree climbing". To be clear - I don't have anything against T5 series where the entire trail is for climbers.
  13. Wiesia już bez przesady. Dokładność GPS w mojej Lumii w dobrych warunkach to 7m. Najgorsza, jaką widziałem to 20 - kilka (wąwóz w lesie). Co do problemu: 1. Restart telefonu 2. Mowa tu o Androidzie, który ma kilka opcji ustalania lokalizacji. Upewnij się, że korzystasz na pewno korzystasz z GPS. (Ustawienia->Osobiste->Usługi lokalizacji -> Zaznaczona opcja użyj sygnału GPS). Punkt drugi wcale nie jest żartem. Jeżeli kolega do tej pory keszował tylko w mieście, gdzie jest duże zagęszczenie BTSów, to mógł nie zauważyć, że korzysta tylko z pozycjonowania na bazie sieci komórkowej. Gdzieś "pod Zamościem" jest pewnie w zasięgu max 2 nadajników i zaczynają się schody.
  14. The printable version didn't fit the a4 sheet that my printer uses (huh?),so I just looked at the last letter (which is obvious) and figured out which of the first letters were the most probable. Then just google for right spelling and it's done.
  15. Moda na pokemony może przejśc szybciej niż się wszyscy spodziewają. Jeżeli wierzyć angielkojęzycznym Internetom, to aplikacja weszła w fazę dojenia. Pokemony ponoć stały się trudniejsze do złapania, a te rzadkie pojawiają się wtedy, kiedy gracz ma mało pokeballi (czytaj "kup teraz, bo ucieknie"). Tak, jak pisałem w angielskojęzycznym wątku na ten temat - główna zaleta PG to odciągnięcie gimbazy od GC i dodanie nam punktów do stealtha, przez upowszechnienie wizerunku osoby szukającej czegoś z telefonem. Jak dla mnie GC nie powinien się zmieniać na podobieństwo PG. Jakieś drobne uatrakcyjnienia zawsze będą mile widziane, ale nie rewolucja w pogoni za "liderem".
  16. Oficjalna apka rzeczywiście sprawiała wrażenie dokładnej, ale tak na prawdę wszystko zależy od odbiornika. W dziale o Windows Phone masz moje porównanie 2 najpopularniejszych apek na WP. Jedna i druga inforumją Cię o dokładności pomiaru w danym momencje. Geocaching Pro robi to przez szare kółko wokól Twojej pozycji, Maloo robi to przez numeryczne wskazanie dokładności. Najdokładniejsze wskazanie, jakie mi się daje uzyskiwać na telefonie to 7m. W lesie albo w terenie z zakłóceniami (nadajnik, wąwóz, szczególny rodzaj skał) zdarza się do 20-30m i aplikacja na to nic nie poradzi, bo takie informacje dostaje od GPSa telefonu.
  17. Pokemon GO jest popularne bo zwłaszcza na zachodzie gry, a nawet karty z tymi stworami byly popularne od kilkudziesięciu lat (mnie osobiście pokemony odrzucały, kiedy pojawiły się w polskiej TV). Co do samej gry, to też uważam ją za powstrzymywacz gimbazy. I na tym się dla mnie jej zalety kończą. Owszem sprawiła, że ludzie ruszyli tyłki sprzed kompa, ale model biznesowy sprawi, że posadzą te tyłki w McDonalds (Japonia) albo innej zaprzyjaźnionej sieciówce. No i oczywiście do tego dochodzą idioci łapiący pokemony za kierownicą...
  18. There are already gossips about making all McDonalds POIs for PG in Japan. That's exactly the stuff I don't want to see happen to geocaching.
  19. I think it's just about common sense. The goal is to find and GET the cache without drawing the attention of muggles. If a person can prove they did that (where the main way of proving it is signing the log, but a photo would also do) I'd leave their entry on the web site. After all you know they foud the cache. I always carry my date stamp with me but I wouldn't want to be called a cheater if it breaks or I loose it...
  20. You scroll down to the bottom of the page. If all logs are not visible at first, the list should expand automatically. Repeat that until you can see the publishing entry (it might take many times for the popular caches).
  21. I use the apps (3rd party) because they are more convenient than a separate device. I started with just a basic knowledge from a person who heard about the hobby, but never thought "you take the caches with you". Since then I've of course gained experience but I'm still not going for the separate device. What I do hovewer is to try to always have some stuff which helps me patch a cache when I find one needing that (e.g. give it some more log space or just replace it if it isn't readable anyway). Doing that and then coming here to read about "muggles with apps" isn't nice. I understand you have experience with idiots but they can be found anywhere using any equipment. And claiming that real geocaching can be done only using GPSr is like claiming that a real phone call can be only made from a land line.
  22. How did you log them? Is your log visible on the cache page? I remember having a case where the log was saved offline in the official app due to poor mobile connection. Apart of that one, I've never observed what you described.
  23. This should ba at the top until it's done. I'd add some sort of a marker to let you know that the particular cache has altered coordinates. Not everybody is interested in making PQs. Also, the original Puzzle locations don't have to be 161m apart so sometimes the city centers are flooded with them and it's hard to remember which we already solved.
  24. I'm not the OP, but what he was referring to is attaching something more than just the TB tag to the traveler. Some folks attach a laminated card or sheet with explicit instructions as to its "goal" and or instructions on how to log the TB properly on gc dot com. Sometimes this is referred to as a "passport" or "goal sheet". I myself attach a Travel Bug Buddy along with TB tag to all my travel bugs. It does the same thing except state the goal of the TB (which none of mine have anyway). This. It happens often that while caching abroad people find a TB but have no means of checking its mission (roaming fees for Internet connections are absurd). They take the TB, come back home and read "I don't want to leave <insert country>".
  25. Pokeszuj trochę, zobacz, jak to robią inni. Wierz mi, że za 50-100 skrytek nie bedzie potrzeby, żebyś zadawał to pytanie. Przy okazji wchłoniesz trochę patentów na ukrycie takich pojemników.
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