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Posts posted by Geofool

  1. quote:
    Originally posted by DeskJocky:

    I lost my GPSr last night while doing "Search for the Ring" (GCG6KY). I have heard stories of others loosing their GPSrs. I was wondering how common it was. BTW, if someone finds my eTrex Summit, let me know, I'll make it worth your while to return it to me...


    Pick up one of these and you won't lose your GPSr again.





    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  2. The September issue of FamilyFun magazine has an article about 'A beginner's guide to Questing'. In a sidebar called 'Name your quest', they mention letterboxing and Geocaching. Below is what was said about geocaching.


    Geocaching is questing gone high tech. Geocachers find their treasures not with written clues but with a handheld Global Positioning System unit that uses satellite signals to locate a precise latitude and longitude. Find the geocache, and you'll take away a prize such as a chunk of pyrite or a digital watch. But be sure to leave a similar token for the next person. For more details, go to www.geocaching.com.




    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  3. Some may elect to compete, some will not. The main thing is the information should be made available. Not just for member rankings, the data could be used for many other pertinent figures.





    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  4. quote:
    Originally posted by DBleess:

    Not a good idea. It's as simple as this. If an overzealous Olympic athlete will risk their own life to cheat, then some overzealous cache competitor will eventually screw around with caches.


    I've already gotten into a flamefest over this in BassoonPilot's thread "Premium Feature Request:" with someone overzealous who took my opinion personally, please don't start it again here. It'll waste even more bandwidth. Read it, think about it, and then just say I'm overreacting. Any increases in problems = bad to me. Keep it local, amongst friends you trust, and off the GC page.


    SA / PP-ASEL-I / Yahoo "SphinxXXVII" / ICQ 1916574


    I don’t buy into this. An Olympic athlete may take that risk because there is a big reward for winning, like a gold metal and fame that may propel a career. What reward is there being on the top of the leader board? Bragging rights at the most. Will some people cheat? Maybe, whom will they be cheating?


    To tell you the truth, I’m kind of sick of all this stat grumbling of late. It’s getting old. Stats can be more than just geocachers rankings. This is just at the heated forefront.


    By the way, you have three beautiful girls. I have two myself.





    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  5. Sure does make you think twice before going into a public pool.


    I remember seeing a sign by a pool once that read: 'We don't swim in your toilet, so please don't pee in our pool!





    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  6. Found this deer guarding the 'Love That Dirty Water' cache by Cachew Nut. Actually saw many deer while hunting this cache. They were not afraid of my presence either.







    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  7. After finding a cache, make sure cache container lid is closed tighly and cache is put back in it's intended location. Make sure it is protected from muggles. When I've done maintenance checks on some of my caches, for whatever reason, some geocachers move them to be easier to find. Many times too easy. Put them back where you found them!





    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



  8. Several ideas seem worth merit here. A seperate page like Dan's was is a great suggestion, and having someone with the skills necessary to maintain it and the bandwidth to support it, would be great as well.


    I know of one person that is ready, willing and able to take this role on. All he needs is Jeremy's blessing.





    Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.



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