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Go JayBee

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Posts posted by Go JayBee

  1. Glennk721,


    You bring up an excellent point here...makes me want to to talk to my Insurance Company again. I do have a $100k rider for "personal" items on my home owners policy....will have to make sure that covers "geocoins" too. As I understand, it does include things like: jewelry, computers, stereo equipment, and the like. As I recall....the list was quite extensive, and the cost was not prohibative.



    Hope that helps you.



    As PengoFamily said: it would not be a bad idea to "catalog" your collection...a major pain in the arse, I agree. But well worth the trouble.

  2. Wish I had an extra "Great Reward"...I'd send it to you. Trying to remember just who did those...anyone got a clue?



    Glad to see you are slowly, but surely replacing those stolen coins. Good luck in the future.



    Edit to say: Glennk721...you rock, dude. An Initial Point Coin?....Awesome!

  3. If I "gift" something (anything) to someone, then they turn around and throw it away...or sell it. I'm not gonna have a very "Warm & Fuzzy Feeling" about them.



    The points which have been brought up here are ALL valid, in their own context. I think that what C4 is trying to convey, is that there is a "moral" obligation to do do what the "giver" might appreciate. It is a matter of "respect"...not "rules".



    What I've been seeing lately, is that there are some folks who just want to bail out of the coin collecting alltogether. And don't really see it as an insult to anyone when they decide to sell what they consider to be their own property...rightfully so.



    But, as others have said, if you want to "bow out" and still maintain some level of "respect" and "integrity", you have to walk a thin line to accomplish that. Not really sure myself, just how that is accomplished without stepping on someone's toes along the way. You know, Ol' Abe said "You can't please all of the people, all of the time"...so true. There will always be someone who feels like they've been treated un-fairly.



    I'm at a real cunundrum here, C4...I hear what you are saying, but I can't come up with a universal solution. You have always been a great trader and perveyer of fine GeoCoin goods with me. I've got no complaints about how you treat folks. You are the one of the perfect examples which others should emulate. B)

  4. I believe they went out in the mail this weekend, with the holiday, it should be sometime this week. I got my notice via email that mine was shipped on the 8th.



    Thanks for the news...if they shipped the 8th (Monday), I should probably see those this week in Oregon.

  5. Better late than never...


    The Oregon Event was fantastic (even though the local temp was in the mid-forties......brrrrrrrrrr)...


    Had a bunch of new cachers show up, so it was fun showing them the GeoCoin ropes.



    42 Will Attend



    37 Attended (probably close to 50+ when you include the kids)



    107 trackables logged into the event (most of the other events wooped my a** on that stat!)



    The Geo_Leprachaun dropped by the location in the wee hours of the morning...left me a note about where to find a piece o' gold. I already have a piece o' gold, so decided to put it up for a silent auction. It brought in a chunk o' change for the S.A.G.A. group. Thanks GL...



    We did a "free" raffle with all the stuff that the sponsors sent...everyone got something....they were so thrilled. Special thanks to OakCoins, CachingPlace, CoinsAndPins, HogwildStuff, Landsharkz, Avroaire (of course), S.A.G.A, and the locals who donated. I must have given away 40 coins, and a multitude of misc items.



    My co-host: Jayel57 did an awesome catering job with grilled hotdogs, salads, and all the fixin's...



    My right hand man: nmartin was great...he placed many temp caches in the area with FTF SAGA Coins...taught the kids how to mold pine cone caches, and took care of the Geo_Leprachaun Auction.



    I really do wish it had been warmer....thanks to Jayel57 for thinking ahead and bringing the propane heater...you ever see 50+ people try to share one heater?



    Hey...at least it didn't rain.



    Was able to distribute over 50 Event coins....still have a few left if any of the other event organizers wish to trade.



    Getting late here in Oregon...just got through re-organizing coins and unpacking from the event. Gotta go to work on Monday.



    Nite nite...

  6. Just brainstorming for the event....nothing like waiting till the last hours, huh?



    Came up with this idea tonight for a coin trade:



    There will be a "White Elephant Coin Exchange"...

    Add a coin to the bucket inside an envelope with your name on it.

    We pick an envelope with your name, set it aside and you get to grab another envelope.

    We put your envelope back into the mix.

    That way, everyone gets to trade a coin without prejudice, and you will never get the coin you added to the grab bag.

    Sound like fun?...I'm hoping it will be.

  7. What an awesome design!



    I just had to buy some for myself...really, I did. :yikes::yikes::anicute:


    :anicute: Is that like cooking the books?... inflating the numbers? :laughing:



    Well, it was the only way I would be able to get the Polished versions.

  8. I am making quarter-sized flyers with:

    Geocoin Etiquette --- what to do when you find a coin in cache (various scenarios)

    Geocoin History --- brief year by year story

    What to Expect Minting a Coin --- some terminology and generic pricing


    Can anyone thing of a fourth, I have em as a PDF if anyone wants me to mail it to them to print for their event. :shocked:



    I'd like those too.... :o

  9. You are still discussing this?...OMG.......put it to rest...this has been beat into the ground farther than a dead horse has ever been.



    Just do whatever you feel like you want...what is gonna happen? Take your b'day away? TPTB are not going to know what you are doing, so just do it.



    Don't come here asking for advice, cuz you will get it. Or, you are gonna get all kinds of opinions as to why you should not do what you are asking about.



    Its a lose....lose situation. Whatever you decide, is gonna be the wrong decision.....beleive me.




    Just my take on this subject...it has gone nowhere in the past....don't see a future for it.

  10. Got an awesome package from New Jersey today...



    The Organizer Tees are very cool, and the very special BN Event Coins are really nice....thanx avroair



    What are the smaller trolley coins? Are they to give credit to the "original" organizers: Avroair, Marky, HJNielsen, and Nielsenc ?



    Here's wishing the best of success with all of the Events.... :)

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