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Team Yontz

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Everything posted by Team Yontz

  1. IMO, I like the micros for the most part. Around here, the little led blinky lights have caught on. People gut the light out, paint it flat back and place them here or there. Usually for a theme cache. To me, it's like having a little secret that muggles walk past everyday and never see.
  2. Cathy, Kearstyn, and I were out this weeeknd and Cathy found one crawling on her also. It was around 65* in the South Central PA area Friday and Saturday.
  3. Man, I thought I was bad for carrying stuff! Nice list. You don't happen to subscribe to the forum on www.equipped.org do ya? You would fit right in!
  4. [ My Camoflauged Geocache 'nother shot Kind of evil isnt it? Girlfriends Camoflauged Geocache] The photos didn't come up for me?
  5. I have a theory, (just a theory, since we haven't hid any of our own yet) on camo. What if you started by painting your container flat black, taking that and a can of spray adhesive to your location, (assuming it will be rural, wilderness) spray the entire thing heavily and rolling it or pressing it into the surroundings, picking up, dirt, leaves, sticks/twigs, etc. Do you think this would work? Hold up well?
  6. Hey Motoed, I just now seen the moonlight cache so I won't be able to make it. But I would be interested in something like this. Sounds like fun. We are pretty new to caching only having 5 under our belt so far (and a couple BM's) Cool Idea though!
  7. We haven't hidden one of our own caches yet, I would like to find a few more. But, I really like the idea of placing a photo album in the cach as the log book. I think placing some blank 3x5 index cards for those who don't have/want a picture to put in there would work great.
  8. One way to get around that, would be to rig a pully system of sourts using fishing line. You would need two cachers, one on the bridge to grab the cache and another below the bridge to "pull" the cache to the the first. You would need to have the tethered end tied off somewhere to the side. The monofilament line would be practically invisable. Doable, fun, and something different.
  9. All good points and suggestions. We do have the Heritige Ra9il Trail with Howard Tunnel that may prove to be a good place not to mention scenic. I think the bridge itself is actually a virtual. Maybe I will look into that. Thanks to all. for what its worth, I like the idea of hanging your cache from a bridge!!!
  10. Good point about people being suspicious. I guess I think more about safety and good spot rather than what the passer-by muggle might think you are up to! I live in Central PA and there are a couple of bridges along Route 15 that would be great, big pull off area and such, but it subject to high traffic. Especially morning/evening rush hour. Just a thought, plenty of other places!!
  11. Has anyone ever placed or know of a cache that has ben placed under a bridge? In my area, the bridges (ones you drive under, not creek or river) have large concrete pillars that hold them up. It would be easy to stash a cache behind one and there is usually enough room to pull way off the road to log it. Anybody know of anybody doing this type?
  12. I took my Daughter and my Nephew out in the beginning of the month. There was about 10 inches of snow on the ground where we were. It took us about 45 minutes to find the cache after we got to the site. You just have to make sure you mess the place up a good bit so you can't really follow your tracks.
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