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Posts posted by plumbrokeacres

  1. I was wondering about the gold foil bubble mailer in my mailbox thought it was a disk I ordered until I opened it and looked to see it was addressed by me and apparently sent by me Very cool coin Thank you so very much for Coin #070! I received it a couple days ago and had to figure out which thread it belonged to.

  2. I would LOVE to find a cache like that!


    at the risk of sounding like spoilsport and going off topic, i think the last thing anyone wants to see on any kind of walk in the woods is a camouflaged toilet — except for a geocacher.


    whether it has coins in it or not, i think these kinds of caches are the kind that give geocaching a bad name. and there is going to be a cacher, or two, who uses it for what it was originally intended.


    we have those now that use caches as dumpers! ewwwwww.




    That was a concern of mine as well but in mine the bowl is full and the lid epoxied shut

  3. I tried for the Lil buck edition but missed out but was lucky enough to snag two Aussie fire editions which is the one I wanted can't wait to see it. So happy I was able to finally get a tsun coin without having to go to ebay ;)

  4. Ok, so I am having trouble identifying the metals of these two coins. I know one is antique silver (I am assuming the lighter one) but I can not find any reference to a second metal with no enamel. Anyone know what metal of these coin?






    Looks to me that the second one is misty silver. I have a misty gold sand dollar that looks to have a similar type of finish

  5. I own a Lowrance Expedition C you cannot load caches directly to the unit, you have to load the caches in a .usr format. I use GSAK if you need instruction on how to do it feel free to contact me through my profile.


    edited to add: I use a 2GB SD card with no problems you can create multiple .usr files on the card for different areas but they cannot be more than 1000 waypoint each as the unit will not accept more than 1000 waypoints. when I took it on trips I'd set up multiple file of 950 waypoints each (so I'd have room to add steps in a multicache without deleting waypoints) when I got to a new area it was a simple case of deleting the existing waypoints off the unit and loading the new file for the area worked great

  6. Just gonna put this out there for "Team Winners" - if we send to Turlutortue in Quebec then to me in Ontario then I send it to Plumbrokeacres in BC, then it could go to Australia or the complete reverse it would be faster then crossing borders back and forth.

    Mailing in Canada is faster with the exception of weekends :):laughing:


    I think that should be a plan!!!!


    I like that plan, I can't wait to see what is sent my way up here in the great white north!

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