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Everything posted by Fuchsiamagic

  1. You all forgot your packet of polos on the desk, and your spare pencil and your support gonk and your chewing gum and your extra pen, and your extra polos and your lucky gonk, and your pencil sharpener shaped like a cream cracker and three more gonks with a packet of polos in each, and lead for your retractable pencil and your retractable pencil, and your spare lead for your retractable pencil, and chewing gum and pencils and pens and more gonks... and then the cache got archived!
  2. Now that's interesting. I've got two units so next time I get this problem, I'll try the other one as well and see if that one does it too!
  3. Mine is Ver 3.20. It was Ok for over a year, but has just started doing the same thing. Relcalibrating the compass makes no difference...
  4. Thanks for the link to that previous thread. Very interesting, but not helpful in my case. Most peoples problems seem to revolve around software version 3.60. I am using 3.20. Callibrating the compass when the problem occurs makes no difference whatsoever. It just happens spontaneously and goes away again just as strangly. I suppose I will have to live with it until Garmin get their finger out and acknowledge that there is a problem. It's a shame because it's a very good unit otherwise.
  5. My 60CSx normally works perfectly and I love it, however for no apparent reason it sometimes reverses direction. What I mean is, the go-to function arrow actually points AWAY from the cache, and on the map screen, the cache icon moves further away as I think I'm walking towards it! It doesn't seem to matter if the compass is on or off. It does this for a couple of days, then it's OK again. I don't alter any settings. Any ideas?
  6. Go to the 'Hide and Seek' page and click on 'Go' without entering a zip code. On the next page, just tick the 'Exclude hidden/found items from results' box. Or run a customised pocket query excluding your finds.
  7. Well I reckon I was 9 but two things have caused me to drop to 8. A: I have to drive much further now to find a new cache, and B: with the price of gas in the UK now, it costs me $10 to drive just 30 miles!
  8. How about starting off with a nano, then progressing ever larger until you get to a huge final cache!
  9. My original question was not intended to develop into a micro-bashing thread, but was directed at people who set POINTLESS micros. And that doesn't mean ALL micros. There are some excellent ones out there. I just wanted to understand their reasoning. Addressing someone who has set over 50 micros, I would have hoped that you would have been suitably qualified to help answer my question rather than returning naive comments which don't help anyone, or the hobby. I cannot speak for your caches, or does the cap fit?
  10. I got fed up with the Itsnotaboutthenumbers.com site keeping going down, so I copied the map onto my own website and put a link to that. I just colour in the counties as needed myself using Photoshop when a new county is visited.
  11. This sums up my thoughts exactly. I found some great nanos in London while on a visit there recently and really felt smug that the hundreds of passers-by didn't have a clue they were there! If all caches were film-pots hidden in ivy though, I think I'd give up caching!
  12. It's a small (usually black) plastic box about the size of a matchbox where you are encouraged to leave a spare key somewhere safe in case you lose your main keys. They are usually magnetic so they can be stuck somehwere out of sight. The problem with using them as a cache is that they are not waterproof.
  13. Thanks for all the comments folks which are very interesting, however as expected, it seems that only one person has put forward an argument in their defence which is "would I like to do them?" which I accept is quite a valid point. I have enjoyed finding the odd micro, but I must admit they don't usually do it for me, but I don't put negative comments about them in the logs any more as it just seems to cause bad feeling. I will keep on looking for them though. I just hope that new cachers don't place boring ones because it's so easy to.
  14. Someone recently quoted in another thread "I have come to dislike the caches with one line listings like "Micro cache with log - bring your own pen". Why would I visit the spot other than to bump up my numbers, is there nothing of interest in the vacinity. A few of these have led to totally naff locations where the only reason to put a cache there was a tree/wall with a hole in it." We have all seen them. Personally, I don't understand it, especially if there is a much better spot to be found nearby. So the reason for this post is to try and find out the way people think who set caches like this. Don't be embarrassed! Come forward and give us a rational explanation please! Maybe then, we will be able to appreciate this type of cache a bit better!
  15. I sometimes go out in the rain if there's a good chance of a FTF, and also if I'm in an area far from home where I've planned to get a few new counties. Downpours are quite fun as you don't get so many muggles!
  16. I agree wholeheartedly with nearly all the comments given here. Caching for me is a four stage process: 1: Study the cache page notes and also most of the recent logs to try and get a mental picure of how to go about finding it. If it's an interesting location, I also research it on the web. 2: Study the OS map and the aerial photos. 3: Go and find it (or not as the case may be!) 4: Try and compose something for the log which will be both memorable for me and interesting for others to read. Whenever I have tried doing more than about ten caches at once, many of them end in failure because I haven't researched them properly beforehand. One cacher recently wrote in his notes for one of my multi-caches "couldn't find the 35mm box at stage 2". I had actually removed it from the trail over nine months ago! He was using printouts about a year old!
  17. So what is the point of uploading them, if you are not interested in what others think of them? From what I can see, yours are pretty good, but of course, you don't want to know that!
  18. I keep my 60CSx in a neoprene case for protection. I haven't tested it, but I'm sure that would also make it stay afloat a bit longer!
  19. There's a discussion about it on the Geocaching.com website forum.
  20. Yes, it's the same with me. Map disappears with the slider just over half way up. Aerial photos are OK.
  21. On a recent visit to Florida, every cache I logged had his self-portait photo already on it. I started thinking he was following me about! Well done mate!
  22. At $10.32 a gallon here in the UK, I am seriously thinking about looking for a different hobby!
  23. We had a good laugh once while we were walking across a field that had nettles near the path. We passed a Japanese gentleman who had just got stung and he rushed up to me in a blind panic asking if the plants were poisonous. Of course we couldn't let an opportunity like that go by, so we told him that he had half an hour to get to hospital, or he would die. The look on his face gave us the best laugh we had had in ages!
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