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Everything posted by RichardMoore

  1. quote:Originally posted by Criminal: In the old days folks found caches with horse and buggies or something. That was back when we had coal-fired GPSr's and the satellites were steam powered. I can still remember my old foot-treadle computer. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway [This message was edited by RichardMoore on April 23, 2003 at 10:50 AM.]
  2. quote:Originally posted by nincehelser: It amazes me how non-paying members can get soooo picky about the interface. George Hey! I'm a non-paying member (so far) and I don't have any complaints. I'm perfectly happy with the way things are. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  3. I've read the posts to this thread. Considered everyone's viewpoint. Thought out the pros and cons of the different opinions. Now my brain hurts. Remind me to never place a cache that requires special equipment. Here's how I summed it up to myself: A cache that has a 5 star rating follows a different set of rules than 1-4 ratings. That sentence isn't phrased very well but you know what I mean. The difference between the levels of 1-4 are not that large, and sometimes misunderstood. The difference between 4 and 5 is huge. If I go for a cache rated at less than 5 I assume that I have a very good chance of finding it. If it's a 5 I may get close and have to come back or give it up. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if the cache is rated as 5 star, let the searchers figure out what they need. If it's less than 5, suggest some things that might be needed (there is a cache near here that you need a screwdriver to open, the hider indicated that in the description.) RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  4. In another thread cachers were asked to list the standard equipment that they carried while geocaching. I don't recall any of them saying that they carried a mirror. If you are saying that a cacher should go out ready for anything, I hope that all your caches are in parking lots. My van is not made to go off-road. And a van or truck is the only way to be ready for everything that you might find. Are you rating these caches as a 5? Even at that, a hint would let the searcher know whether to bring a canoe or rappelling gear. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  5. There I go, typing too slowly again. There were no other responses when I started. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  6. You did exactly the right thing. You could also have put on your log, but I think e-mailing the owner is better. Now the owner will go to the cache to pick up and/or replace the camera and get the pictures developed. If you were wondering if you should get the pictures developed, you shouldn't. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  7. Oops! RichardMoore [This message was edited by RichardMoore on April 21, 2003 at 07:25 AM.]
  8. Caching too much? I don't understand the concept. RichardMoore [This message was edited by RichardMoore on April 21, 2003 at 06:56 AM.]
  9. Why don't people log their finds on gc.com? In my case, and I know there are those who may not understand: I started geocaching in March of 2002, but I didn't get a computer and go online until the end of November. Before that I went to the public library and used the internet access that they have. Since I was computer illiterate, the first time the librarian had to walk me through the whole procedure, step by step. I learned, but I was still not really comfortable trying new things on someone else's equipment. So every week or two I would go into the library and print up a bunch of caches, and I kept the printouts as a way of tracking my finds. Then I got a computer, took some basic classes, got on the internet, signed up with geocaching.com, caught up with my logs (68 at that time), and started being a pain-in-the-posterior on the forums. I've also got my own website. See the URL under my name. But, in the time before I got online, I did not move any travel bugs. It would have been inconsiderate of me to try to play the tb game without being able to play by the rules. So I waited until I could. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  10. Move to Cleveland, I'll be happy to help you out! RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  11. Don't use the squirrel. There's already at least two of us that have a squirrel for an avatar. Of course, mine has its own GPSr so it's a little more hi-tech than most others. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  12. Yeah, I know, I already posted my website here. I'm not that senile yet. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, I already posted my website here, but I just got done making some changes that I'm kinda proud of and thought I'd post it again. The changes are noted on the home page. The address is below my name. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  13. I was with you until you said that you avoid picking up travel bugs because of the inconvenience of having them on your 'My Cache Page.' If I understand correctly, you don't pick up travel bugs because you don't want to scroll down a couple inches? Personally, I prefer the idea that someone had recently to have the list show the 10 most recent, like the find list. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  14. Look under 'Hide and Seek a Cache.' On the right side of the page is a list of the differant languages available. Spanish is available two ways. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  15. Is anyone from the UK planning on visiting Cleveland, Ohio anytime soon? I have a travel bug whose goal is to see the Changing of the Guard, and I'd like to give it a good start. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  16. I'm going to be starting a travel bug that wants to go to England and see the 'Changing of the Guard.' Is anyone going that way who can give it a lift? Second choice would be to go to Australia to see a kangaroo in the wild. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  17. I was asking a local naturalist about the white squirrels today, and she had never heard of a concentration of albino squirrels as is being described. Does anyone have a link to information on these little guys that a naturalist might find informative? We have some black morphs of eastern gray squirrels around here, but I've never seen a white one. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  18. I need more details. What is the source of your information? Is the US F&W just concerned with its wildlife reclamation lands, or all of the land that they may have anything to do with? You started by talking about Ohio, but you're in Michigan. What connections do you have with ODNR, and what do they say about this ruling? How do you know that your source at MDNR didn't misunderstand something? We need something official from US F&W or all this may just be needless panic. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  19. quote:Originally posted by mogolloyd:How about placing a cache yourself and letting the students find it. You could also ask each of them to bring something to place in the cache. That way it would be more personal for you and them, and you could name it after the class. They'd think that was really cool. Depending on how many students there are, you could also have each one start a travel bug. That would give them something else to watch and possibly track on a map in the classroom. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  20. The letter you recieved stated 'At this time of year young plants are very fragile.' If the concern is mainly spring ephemerals, perhaps you could temporarily archive the cache for a month until the plants have gone dormant again. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  21. I've found 8 letterboxes so far. These are the ones that are closest to me. When there are no new caches in my area I look for the letterboxes. When I am telling muggles about geocaching and they cringe at the thought of buying a GPSr I tell them about letterboxing. I figure that if they get into letterboxing they would be more likely to try geocaching when they run out of letterboxes. I also intend to place some letterboxes in the next couple months. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  22. QUIT TEMPTING ME!!! It sounds too easy. I want to come down and see for myself. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  23. What about a cache at the grave of a deceased cacher? Can you think of a better way to honor the memory of that person? And, judging from the sense of humor that most cacher's have, he would probably have enjoyed the irony of it. Took nothing, left flowers. www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  24. Whnever I see something like this I have the same questions: * Did the cache owner get permission for the cache from the park's manager? * Did the manager inform the rest of the employees, so if they stumbled on it they would know what it is? * Why didn't the police inform someone in the park about the problem when they were notified? It seems to me that a lot of problems can be avoided with more communication, and someone wasn't communicating. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
  25. I wish you guys would quit doing this. You have a link to a cache page, I check it out, and now I want to try to find the cache! I think I could find it, but it would take me about 2 days to drive there. You're driving me crazy!!! Okay, crazier. RichardMoore www.geocities.com/richardsrunaway
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