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Everything posted by CHOCALCHEMY

  1. Just found my way back into forum!!! Whoops. Tried your 2 suggestions, drop2 just makes them longer hiding the vital end! The macro seemed to get rid of most of the way points and just use code names. GSAC does shorten the name and number them as it pleases NOT as the longer cache name of the CO! SO I need a macro that says if the words are the same as another then take first and last letters and drop the middles! What I need is to see the series but still see which is which and some CO 's do this brillantly!
  2. Yes there is at least one down South,,,go for it
  3. RANT. Long Titles and Duplicate Information. Please will composers of SERIES caches consider reducing the title length as we users get confused when the last bit gets dropped off our maps and GPSr displays, so which one are we on? The same information for each cache is tedious and having to read or print it in case there is a difference (sometimes vital) is a pain in the elbow!A better way is demonstrated by:- Cakemaker who reduces "Pipers Hill Series" to "PH" and says this only once! (GC1GC6M PH No Gratuities) explore!
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