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Everything posted by TheCollector

  1. How can i get my hands on one of those coins you attached to the tag i really want one to add to the Sig. item collection.
  2. Got my coin today thanks so much for this. My coin will stay with me for a while then will move it way to a cache
  3. Damenace how can i get a set of your beautiful trolly tokens?
  4. I take offense to that statement about americans we are not all like that. What the News tells you about us Yanks is not always true and is never fully the truth. So please think before you say something. Now back to the topic at hand. We had some people in MN that called themselves the "CacheTerrorists". They would find caches and take everything out of them, Take the entire cache or Deficate or urinate in the cache. The last one was their favorite to do. They then had the balls to leave a calling card with their name. Best thing to do is ignore him he seems a little messed up in the head. Just don't put TB's in areas he goes delete all traces of him and Groundspeak should ban his IP address so he cant make anymore accounts.
  5. had this same idea roaming around in my head, but what i was going to do is place a cache away from where the time capsule is going to be buried so that people could donate items they wich to be in the capsule. I would then wait a couple months for items to come in and then take all the items out of the cache transfer them to the time capsule then bary it. I will be the only one to know where its placed so no one can find it. I will open it 2 years later. You can find good capsules on google and the E-place
  6. Why the negative comments. Their not needed
  7. If you liked it you liked it if you didnt you didnt theres nothing to argue here so why do it?
  8. He has some balls that i can use so This is back on still looking for people to join Email me
  9. people do it at the events here so go for it if you are told not to just out them away. other then that have some fun i love event caches my plan is to host 50 in my first year hopefully i will make it.
  10. people do it at the events here so go for it if you are told not to just out them away. other then that have some fun i love event caches my plan is to host 50 in my first year hopefully i will make it.
  11. Am i on the trading list cause if not i need to be ill be at Mid West Geo Bash so can i Trade you there?
  12. I can paypal someone the money if they can pick me up a set of 4 coins and 4 pins just email me
  13. Email sent to him we will see what happens in the following days
  14. GL selling the coins to expensive for me but i know they will sell
  15. just bought one but paypal had wrong address sent email with new address Thankas for these great Coins
  16. Do you still have this nickel available? Would love to trade with you. Ditto What ^ said
  17. 16 or 17 people at my event not a big turn out like the one above but still decent for bad weather
  18. yay i made the list Thanks Marky
  19. I can move a minnesota coin and would like to buy a coin set cant email since site is down but ill email you tomorrow thanks Marky
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