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Midnight Ramblers

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Everything posted by Midnight Ramblers

  1. Maby we should hear from bikermel76 ... Why hear from her? She only typed what a lot of people thought, let's leave it at that. Anyway, she doesn't visit this forum since the last time everybody laid into her. She probably has more self-respect than to join in this discussion. And, I think it should be pointed out that she has put a lot of effort into bringing local cachers together over the past few months - she has made a huge difference to caching locally and has built up a nice friendly caching community. It would be shame if that was all ruined by this fuss, and therefore I think this thread should be closed now.
  2. Rather than dwelling on an argument, I have a solution - take the logbook on the next walk like this. People arriving before the logbook will be unable to claim FTF
  3. I bought mine from ukgeocachers but I can't see any there now. Karen Me too. It's worth contacting them, they are usually very helpful.
  4. The trouble is with the 'written' (or 'typed') word is that it can be taken the wrong way and people often get upset. This applies to logs and comments posted here. I see no point in dragging it all up here. Yes, it was all in the public domain before the OP here, but not quite as public as it became. I cannot understand why you all want to 'hear' the other side - you are just waiting to attack like piranhas. I guess that it could be regarded as an educational 'discussion' - I am sure everybody involved has learnt a lot. Edit: to fix typo and add second thoughts
  5. Well done to both of you and great to see the pictures here. My geocoins arrived on Saturday - they are cool too
  6. I have one question - when your actions have clearly upset people that you would like to regard as your 'caching friends' why ruin things even more by opening up a very public debate here? You know how this type of discussion blows up out of all proportion here. Maybe it would have been better to contact those people - or maybe even discuss it over lunch on the day. I admire the people on 'the other side' of this discussion for not getting involved here - it would have achieved nothing.
  7. No they did not send a code with it. I spoke to them and they said it would be fine just to activate the second one as normal - I had no idea, then, about the limit to two units.
  8. That's interesting as I am thinking of getting a new GPSr. I have had to unlock the maps for two units because Garmin glue is rubbish and they sent me a replacement for my original. So, it looks like I would have to buy the maps again for my new unit then ...
  9. I thought Bridget Jones was filmed in Shere - which would be a great place for a cache as it is used in loads of films I believe. I visited pre-geocaching so have no idea if any are there already. They were filming on that day - snow everywhere in the middle of the summer. I take it back.
  10. Which one by Gloucester Cathedral? *Rushes to get coat*
  11. I thought Bridget Jones was filmed in Shere - which would be a great place for a cache as it is used in loads of films I believe. I visited pre-geocaching so have no idea if any are there already. They were filming on that day - snow everywhere in the middle of the summer.
  12. We do a maintenance check and post. I always think if the cacher is interested enough they will check the cache page or 'watch it'.
  13. We leave a badge (with the same picture as our forum avatar) whenever it fits into the cache. Badge from UK Geocachers if you are interested ...
  14. I know this has probably been discussed before but I am just after a quick answer. If your cache is muggled should you mark any trackables as missing? I would have thought it was courteous to do so but have noticed that cache owners do not appear to do so (even when they have recently archived the cache). If you don't do this how does the owner of the trackable ever find out there is a problem? Thanks
  15. Received mine and it is gorgeous. I am not sure I want to set it off travelling though. I think I have just talked myself into ordering another one :-) Edit: insert a space
  16. I was quite shocked to tsee the length of my 'Didn't Find It' list and then became excited as I thought there was a chance I could at last win something in this forum . Alas, it works out at only 10% so now I am rubbish at DNFs too
  17. Might get a few FTF's around north Gloucestershire then When did you say you were going? H Have a great time both
  18. I'm going to Cuba in May. I too have concerns about the GPSr Customs thing. Is this true? Anyone know? It makes sense with GPS being US technology and I seem to recall that the US and Cuba aren't the best of buddies! Yes it is true. We found it in the small print somewhere the other day. However, I have closely examined the descriptions of the caches I will be near (all 2 of them) and they have very detailed hints becasue they expect people to be looking for them without a GPSr. We're going in May too - maybe we could hold an event
  19. Don't worry, its no big problem. Just go to my.garmin.com sign up, log in, register etc and you can un-register the maps for a unit. It means that you won't be able to update or refresh the maps for that unit. But if you have a large memory card, you may only want to do it the once anyhow... Edited cos I did slight typo on the URL Excellent - thanks for your help. Now there's no excuse not to get a Colorado then ...
  20. Having just booked our summer holiday I was just wondering where the worst places to go (from a caching point of view) are ... We booked Cuba, with a grand total of 7 caches in the whole country and the chance of having your GPSr confiscated by Customs. Not my idea, obviously. I think Mr Midnight Rambler is trying to tell me something.
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