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Everything posted by gatorcj

  1. Well fine then, I will. Having heard of caching several times in the past, I always said "well, that sounds like fun, it's a shame I'm a relatively poor person, and I can't afford a GPS unit." And that was that. Well, I found myself with a phone with gps, and one of my mom's friend's has gotten into caching, and told me I need to start. Motorola i760 isn't the best phone or gps in the world, but it's found me one cache so far and hopefully a few more once I get some free time. And maybe one day I'll even get myself a real gps. But that's up for debate... Anywho, I figure anything that gets me outside more often is fine by me.
  2. Motorola i760! hehe, it's gotten me one so far, look out for clouds and stuff though, cuz between clouds and just glancing at google earth to get a basic idea (rather than "ok, that clump of trees somewhere.") the last ones I've tried haven't been successful, but hey, it's all for the fun, right? One day I'll find another one. Good luck to you, and me, and everyone else!
  3. You get to enter coordinates into your cell phone and you even get an arrow?! WOW! *chuckle* I had the same question myself, and according to my Nextel, it was accurate last night to approximately 6 feet. Today the best I got was 35 feet, but it was close enough to find my first cache, and I guess that's all that matters. Maybe I won't be able to get to any that are hidden too well, but maybe bonus points for not having a real GPS yet?
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