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Fiery Searcher

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Everything posted by Fiery Searcher

  1. At long last, PGR IV is stick-a-fork-in-it-DONE! ONe of my racers had a nice bump in mileage coming back to the US from Europe, although I don't think it's near enough to be of any use. The recent geocachers who moved my racer also provided some nice photos - I really enjoy photos. Perhaps "most Photos" can be a fun category for PGR VI?! Thanks so much for all of the organization on this Shilo. I'm looking forward to the results - congratulations to all the racers that are still moving! I think I'm 3 for 5.
  2. With this race almost over, I thought I'd share a recent picture from one of my racers that is going strong at the end! I love it when cachers take pictures of my trackables. It can be difficult, especially with caches in urban areas or with lots of muggles. I really appreciate this one - thanks to dr_mikes for giving this racer some last-minute mileage AND a souvenir!
  3. Wow! After my congrats to ATMouse, there was a veritable "fall out" of bones and diem! So I need to chime in again and offer congrats to catsnfish for receiving both currency and non-currency, Opalsns, who could probably have used something shiny these days, and first-time mystery coin recipient, anne.and.eli! These are just too fun...
  4. This may be old news to you Shilo, but it IS possible to see the between-cache distance. It used to appear on the main page of our geocoins. I have updated all of mine that have been moving, and only the overall distance changes on the main coin page. If you click on the map to see the travels, the distance between each cache is shown. In other words, each leg that the coin has travelled has a mileage listed for the cache-to-cache distance. I hope this does not make your updates more tedious...
  5. To answer ur question: If u like u may post the name of the coin, this way people will get a picture of what they might receive in the near or far future Done!
  6. I am in possession of SEVEN Montana-bound coins: 1 is mine (Montana-bound Night Hunter), 2 from Germany (TB24F77 and TB35BXF), and the remaining 4 are coins that I activated and adopted over to other people who wanted to participate in the mission: TB300NZ TB24KH6 TB2GY53 TB1ZH2E I have been remiss in getting these going, due in large part to my last semester of coursework, an active volcano, and a move! At long last, I have found prospective caches to get these coins moving and HOPEFULLY on a fast-track to Montana. Caching begins tomorrow morning, and I'm bringing the camera to help document the journey!
  7. Congratulations, ATMouse, on your surprise, sparkly mailer! Oh, and many happy returns on the coin inside, of course!
  8. This is a bit late, but better late than never, right?! Last month, I released my second Travelling Cache Hopper - NUTELLA after having it with me on a few of my own travels. It has yet to move from the cache in which it was placed, but I have high hopes that it will travel far and wide for a bit, and hopefully collect some photos! I may release a few more, but I need to make more of an effort to actually get out and find some caches. Oh yeah, and that dissertation thing beckons as well! Happy caching, everyone!
  9. Excellent! Another way to get geocoins in caches and moving through the world! I have three coins that are sold out, and so I'm in for three missions: Mission 1: (Mimbres 3.0 LE - haven't decided which color yet!) Participating: Yes, email sent 14 June 2010 Nick/destination received: Outgoing coin released: Incoming coin picked up: Mission 2: (Egyptian Narmer) Participating: Yes, email sent 14 June 2010 Nick/destination received: Outgoing coin released: Incoming coin picked up: Mission 3: (Little Wing - orange tulip w/gold metal) Participating: Yes, email sent 14 June 2010 Nick/destination received: Outgoing coin released: Incoming coin picked up: While it's very true I may never see the coin(s) sent to me, I will enjoy the journey as long as it lasts. Thanks for organizing, and I hope we get others interested in travelling coins!
  10. I was just wondering if there were any new, relatively short-term missions going on? I arrived at the conclusion that there weren't any, and so was in the process of trying to come up with one when I saw this one. Excellent idea! I'm in. Email sent: Yes, 14 June 2010 Name Received: Mission Sent: Mission Received: My favorite animals IN GENERAL are birds, although I also studied insects for a time. Specifics with my birds: Favorite resident songbird: Eastern Towhee Favorite migratory songbird: Black-and-white Warbler Favorite bird to see in a zoo: Hornbills, any species! Favorite bird song: Wood Thrush My trading/seeking list is in my signature, but any nature-related coin would be very much appreciated! Thanks to grodan Karin for organizing, and I look forward to seeing everyone's pictures of their incoming missions!
  11. Hey, Shilo! So, one of my racers (Penny and Kona's PGR V Racer #4) was placed in a new cache yesterday. When I clicked "recalculate mileage," my total miles changed but I did NOT see the distance from the previous cache to the current cache. Not sure what the glitch is, but hopefully this is an example of what you were looking for...
  12. Congratulations, burgessfour! That's a nice victory package, indeed. And, of course, thanks to Chicka for organizing the entire mission coinpetition!
  13. I noticed it has been months, literally, since your last post anywhere in the forums. Not a problem, because life happens. But maybe revisit the thread to see what all has gone on with these missions since your last post? Opalsns sent out multiple "shout outs" to both participants AND to those who had the missions asking for status updates. In the process, several names were accidentally dropped and added, but contacting opalsns directly seemed to get everything sorted out. If you want back into Mission 2, I'm sure it would be no problem! BTW, I have yet to receive either mission, but I still visit this thread often and have even put the two activated coins associated with these missions on my "watch list," so I can see where they're going. Just a suggestion...and don't forget, it's all about fun.
  14. I think this looks fantastic, photo quality aside! Congratulations...this shows real promise to be a much sought after coin.
  15. I also need to praise Droo for the photo here - most excellent! And you're the latest recipient, which is also most excellent!
  16. I think there is a broader issue here and am wondering if anyone else feels the same way. I wonder if eBay encourages selling and, by default, discourages trading? Not sure if anyone has even looked at the trading thread in a while, but I remember a time when offers and requests would fill up the 50-post max in a single day, and then some. It's simply not that way now. I understand that hard times and tough knocks hit EVERYONE, and coin resales offer a way to get some $$ quickly and (relatively) painlessly. However, not everyone feels the same way about certain coins, and instead view all coins as the same commodity. Therefore, while some of us are saddened or outraged by any mystery coin being sold, there is an excellent probability that most ebay purchasers are not visitors to this forum and so are not aware of the distinction (mystery coin vs "regular" coin). In short, a coin is a coin. I don't have a mikey diver, but are these coins received WITH INSTRUCTIONS/REQUESTS not to be sold? A possible solution, for those of you who sell coins, is to include in your descriptions of coins a link to these forums and suggest that trades can be arranged IF you have extra geocoins to trade. It would serve two purposes: 1) provide newbies a place to go for information/education, and 2) possibly breathe new life into the trading arena! Just a thought...
  17. Good call, Gitchee. I assumed that the OP was referring to someone else's geocoin, but it is difficult to know if this is the scenario!
  18. Comin' down the homestretch for these racers! Good luck to everyone...I think 3 of my 5 are still out there and accounted for. Maybe a surge in activity with the good weather will make things really interesting after all?
  19. Contact the owner and fess up. I've had one of my coins go missing from another geocacher, and was very happy when the geocacher contacted me (through geocaching.com) to let me know. The geocacher asked what he/she could do to help replace the loss somehow, and my only request was to please write a note on the coin's page explaining what happened. The geocacher never did this, so I wrote the note myself, using the geocacher's original email to me. It happens, and I like to think that most coin owners who have sent something into the world anticipate that this might happen. I would suggest that if you are asked to do anything in return, such as post a note on the coin's page, that you follow through with the request. Write back in these forums if you aren't sure how to contact the owner...there's lots of helpful coiners in these forums!
  20. Does anyone else find it ironic that so much unrest has been associated with a coin titled "Tranquility?" Maybe we should refer to them as "Hostilities" or "Turbulences?" That might be a fun cointest...
  21. Talk about timing...congratulations, Jay, on being the most recent recipient of this new mystery coin! I have been wondering how you and your family are doing. Not that a coin can make everything go away (if only, right?!), but I bet this brought a much-needed smile and laugh to everyone.
  22. I heard from my mission #1 person that they received their package. This was a domestic mailing. My second mission was shipped the same day, but is going FAR away and so may take a bit longer... Mission #1 Email sent: 24 March 2010 Name Received: 6 April 2010 Outgoing Package Sent: 4 May 2010 - Received, confirmed by email from recipient. Incoming Package Received: Yes! Mission #2 Email sent: 24 March 2010 Name Received: 6 April 2010 Outgoing Package Sent: 4 May 2010 - En route, international, down under... Incoming Package Received: Yes!
  23. My issue with geocoin proxies is more philosophical. The traditional purpose of a geocoin was to be a trackable. Granted, geocoins have evolved into a collectible, but if you are buying for the collectible aspect then it seems to me that activating and releasing aren't really part of the collecting process? I DO understand how fun it is to watch a trackable accumulate miles and smile when that one-in-a-hundred cacher actually snaps a photo of my trackable. Who doesn't like this? My question is why don't you purchase the considerably cheaper travel bug dog tags? Sure, these also go missing, but you certainly aren't out of pocket $15, not by a long shot. And they do the same thing as geocoins: log miles with a unique tracking number. I can certainly understand not wanting to lose something you've invested money in, which is why we see all the time "don't release something you're not willing to lose." However, if you own a geocoin and don't want it lost, why not keep it in your collection? Or take it to events and let others discover it? Or turn it into your personal coin and "dip" it into every cache you find, which would be fun to see how many miles you've logged via geocaching? I guess I'm a purist at heart, but to me the desires to have "something" accumulate miles AND to hold on to something forever can be resolved with two different things. If you want miles, buy a TB dog tag. If you want to "have" something, then purchase your geocoin and keep it safe. No disrespect to anyone choosing to send out proxies, but they seem to be a carelessly selfish way to have one's cake and eat it too, not to mention adding yet another facet of confusion when it comes to new geocachers and trackables in their many forms. I, personally, don't move proxies or discover them or abuse them, but do appreciate proxies with the word "PROXY" somewhere in the name of the traveler. I might encourage everyone to put more thought into WHY they want to activate a geocoin, and then weigh their feelings about losing that geocoin against the desire to see "something" travel.
  24. I've got crabs!!! I have an extra of the Disco and Nebula II versions available for trade if anyone would like...
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