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Team Ducky

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Everything posted by Team Ducky

  1. This is really annoying. Suddenly I get one email today. A bug discovery log. So, I go to that bug and see that it moved 300 miles over the past few days...I had no clue it was on the move.
  2. Hi Nora, I too am disabled and fustrated by caches that aren't not rated properly. I purchased a couple coins that I will release when I receive them, I will pass along those links.
  3. Wow! Your logs are always fun to read. Congrats...
  4. That was great! Happy Holidays!
  5. Sorry I placed that in a cache that doesn't see much action! It's been stuck there for a while.....
  6. I work in the area, and have done caches around Flemington. Does that count?
  7. Awesome video, the music selection was great. Not sure of the target audience, but you mention that the cache is on a cliff and it's 200 feet down. I would be concerned that someone would see it and think it's a dangerous sport.
  8. It looks like we can make it Sunday. Since it is a 2 hour drive we are arriving Saturday. I won't be able to do the hike Sunday morning, my legs don't do mountains. Does anyone want to do any caching Saturday or a "wimpy" caching adventure on Sunday morning?
  9. I activated my coins, however I do not see a unique icon. I see the generic personal coin icon.
  10. Rec'd mine today. Very nice coins! I ordered two sets, one standard and one antique metals. I am keeping the antique. Anyone want to trade for the standard metals set?
  11. I think its safe, just wear your orange. I have been out, wearing orange. Its also helpful in spotting the other half of team ducky.
  12. Had a change of plans, spent most of the weekend in Pike County, PA. Problem was that I didn't have any caches in the GPS for that region. Did get a chance a ventue to Stokes NF. A bit past peak, leaf drop rate is high...making the cache difficult to find. I did make it to Sparta, and that was peak...very pretty. I only did the TRL micro in parking lot, that mountain looked insane to climb and there are caches up there...wow! Will post photos soon.
  13. Really nice photo, where was this taken?
  14. With MS, sometimes my balance is off and I have a step disabilty. On good days I can easily hike 2-3 miles. These look great. Thanks!
  15. Some of these caches in this thread are way too much for me. I am headed to Sussex/Morris county for 4 days starting Saturday. Can anyone recommend some caches? Due to my disability I need to keep the terrain under or equal to 2. But would like to see some nice views of the fall colors.
  16. Good idea, I will leave a note with the bug.
  17. I have a few bugs that I collected over the weekend. I am going on a trip out of the area. I will be dropping these bugs on my travels. I will be unable to log them into a cache until I get home. My current thoughts are to place a note on the bug page stating that I am traveling out of state and will log them into a cache within 10 days. Is this the way to go?
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