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Everything posted by Lakersfan559

  1. I figured out how to do this. Here is a picture of all three plattings. Its not the best of pictures thought and really doesnt show the color and beauty of the coin.
  2. I would like to say that I do appologize to The Dillon Gang and all that had creative input in the making of the other California coin. It was not my intent to offend anyone or bully my way into making a coin. I am still a newby to this sport and the making of coins and simply still have alot to learn. I was not aware of nor was i told about having to be apart of an organization to produce a State coin. Who makes these rules? Anyway from what I heard it doesnt apply in California. I would like to thank kealia for posting a picture of my coin. I have no idea how to do that and appreciate you doing that for the thread. Is anyone else having a problem veiwing the coin via the links provided? It works for me. And also kealia, what does OP stand for? Is that an organization in Cali? I would also like to thank everyone for the positive posts and emails recieved. It makes me feel alot better and not so alienated so thanks. Sales are going well on this coin and I am working deals with people for multiple coin (5+) purchases. Simply email me and I can send you a Paypal invoice for an agreed upon price. Just so you all know, I do plan on making another coin. But it will NOT be a state coin lol. Thanks again, Todd (Lakerfan559)
  3. Thanks The Dillon Gang. I look foward to getting your awsome coin in the mail. Todd (Lakerfan559)
  4. Lol I love that smiley in the previous post. Well, since were are being nice and all, then I would just like to say that during the creative process of the making of my coin, I consulted with my FRIENDS. The people that started me on this great adventure of geocaching. We all have support systems that we rely upon and since I could not discuss it in here, due to the fact I was unable to access this forum, its true that you all were not involved in the making of this coin. In fact it was a result of hard work put in by both myself and my Dad. My real goal in making this coin was to build an avenue of communication between myself and my Dad and my goal has been met. There are hundreds if not thousands of Geocoins on the market today, and out of all those, how many has the COMMUNITY had creative input on. Not many I'm sure, yet I'm the bad guy. But in regards to my knowledge about the discussions of a California Coin in this forum, its true, I have an informant amoungst you all. Well actually four guys that work in shifts so I can monitor the posts 24/7 lol. Ok thats not really true but the controversy started, if you remember, when MY FINNISHED California coin, that took 3 months to produce, was put up for sale on eBay. A Friend of mine did inform me that it was creating some ruckus in the forum. Thats the first time I had ever heard there was another California coin even being thought of. In my discussion with my geo friends, I was under the impression that there was no other California coin out there that was trackable on GC.com and had a unique Icon. So I simply was filling the void for a well done state coin that would reflect California's beauty and what a cacher could expirience while adventuring inside the golden state. Anyway, I believe this thread really violates the forum guidlines, since this convo really is not about MY CALIFONIA GEOCOIN 2006. Oh and thanks hirlas, I appreciate the complement. Todd (Lakerfan559)
  5. I cant win for losing on this forum. This is the first post I put on here and I have already been critisized to no extent. I actually have had my coins on sale long before this coin came out and have been selling them on various sites. I did not come up with the name for the other coin which I might add is a very attractive coin and I will be purchasing one. I have been on GC.com since January or february of this year and have not been able to access this forum. I finally gave up on notifying people of the problem and created a new account and just recentely have been able to get on and post. In no way am I trying to decieve, trick or confuse anyone into buying my geocoin and it really offends me that I am being accused of doing so. All I ask is that fellow cachers, if they wish, can look at my coin and decide for themselves if they would like to purchase one. I got into geocaching to get off my butt and go places I hadn't seen and do things I hadn't done and hopfully meet friendly cool people along the way. Come on geonuts, Give me a break!!! Thanks, Todd (Lakerfan559)
  6. Sending payment for one of the regulars. This is a beautiful geocoin.
  7. The California Geocoin 2006 Clearance Sale is on now!!! Dont get this coin confused with a different and also very beautiful California Coin currently on the market. California is just so special it needs two separate coins to reflect its beauty and uniqueness. California Geocoin 2006 Front California Geocoin 2006 Back The California Geocoin 2006 is trackable at Geocaching.com and has its own unique Miniature California State Flag Icon. There was only 500 total coins made. 250 of the gold (Shown in Above Links), 150 of the silver, and only 100 of the antique copper Platings. Original artwork was created by Richard Fisher. If you would like to purchase and own a complete set, I will give a new clearance discounted price of $30.00 You will get: (1) Gold Plated California Geoccoin 2006 (1) Silver Plated California Geoccoin 2006 (1) Antique Copper Plated California Geoccoin 2006 * Free Shipping within the USA (only applies When purchasing a complete set of coins) (If outside the USA, please contact me so we can discuss shipping charges.) Otherwise prices are as follows: Gold Plating $8.00 + $2.00 Shipping charge = $10.00 Silver Plating $9.00 + $2.00 Shipping charge = $11.00 Antique Copper Patting $9.99 + $2.00 Shipping charge = $11.99 There is a $1.00 shipping charge for each additional item purchased. Hurry and get yours now while Supplies last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To order, use the following links to Cointracking.com (Registration is free if not a member): Paypal is this sellers prefered method of payment. Set of all three plattings Antique Copper Silver Platting Gold Platting You can get your activation code(s) at the following link. Activation Codes Thanks again, Todd (Lakerfan559) Contact me at BballToddster604@aol.com
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