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Everything posted by FlagMan

  1. Nice job CHUY! 12,000 now that's some big numbers That's 12k right bud??? When Map sent me an email on Sunday about the 12K, I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought he had lost it - thought he was talking about smuggling drugs or something. Turns out it was me that was clueless - Doh! Thanks for the felicitations. WoooooooHoooooooooooo!!!!
  2. Congrats to Ritz Crackers for 2K at the 10-10-10 Event!!
  3. Wow...very cool! Congratulations, Harmon!!! WoooooooHooooooooooo!!!!!
  4. Honk!! Its at 32-52.533 117-07.900
  5. Congrats, FATTBOY!!! WooooooHoooooooooo!!!
  6. Dunk the Commie!!! C'mon!! You KNOW you wanna do it again!!!
  7. Congrats to Ol' Mossback for 1600 Finds!! Here's His Log...
  8. Now THAT really made me laugh!!! Great picture of yourself, Harmon!! And it doesn't make anyone's butt look big or anything!!! Yes, but where are the bagel goggles? Bagels!! Aren't those donuts?!? Counselor, you are correct. Upon a review of the photographic evidence, they are, in fact, donut goggles. Objection sustained. I shall rephrase my question. Yes, but where are the donut goggles? I've been wanting to eat those things for years!!!
  9. Now THAT really made me laugh!!! Great picture of yourself, Harmon!! And it doesn't make anyone's butt look big or anything!!! Yes, but where are the bagel goggles? Bagels!! Aren't those donuts?!?
  10. Congrats Michelle and nice log. Yet another one that is going to race right by me. O well, nice work. And what, may I ask, was that photo taken with? Must be the flash-powder didn't fire off. Very clean fangers by th' way. ... stubby, but clean. Congrats on 4,000, Michelle!! Outstanding SNFLWRMH! Maybe by 5,000 she'll have a sign. Glad you got to choose your milestone! Although desert power runs can be fun too, and desert season is right around the corner. There y' go! Very nice work, Harmon! Thanks for your support. Everybody else must be too bashful t' mention it. No, wait, everybody else is over on that Facebook thang. Thanks everyone. And thanks Harmon for the sign. Seriously, maybe by 5000 I'll have it down right with a specific cache AND a sign, or people with me to make the numbers. I'm having fun, that's for sure. WooooHooooooo!!!!
  11. Now THAT really made me laugh!!! Great picture of yourself, Harmon!! Love the sideburns!! And it doesn't make anyone's butt look big or anything!!!
  12. Has Chuy! been holding out on us?!?
  13. Honk! What a great picture of the monkeys! Looks like you guys had a blast! Shake, RATTLE, and roll!!!
  14. Congrats to The JJ Duo on 2K!!! Here's the log...
  15. Here's a link to one of them. There are bookmark lists on each cache page... E.T. Highway
  16. I tend to agree. I rode in the FJ this morning up the Pine Creek road (with John driving) and had the opportunity to test those floorboards for myself... Uhhhhh... So there's brakes on that rig?!?!
  17. Congrats to the Splashes for 15,000 finds!!!! Now THAT's a BIG number!!!! Here's their log...
  18. Awesome Job TPB! Great log entry to boot. Wow! Great choice for your milestone, and no finders in 9 years...that's amazing! Congratulations on #3000 and the climb! Way to go, Pretty soon you'll have 14,040 at 3000 ft. WooooooooHoooooooooo!!!!
  19. 9,000 Way to go girls. Way to you two. 10,000 is just around the corner Congrats Pat & Sue! Now if only I could learn from your example to have a sign at milestone caches. Wait, it would help if they weren't in the middle of power runs. Oops! Maybe by 5000 I'll get it right. Thanks for the fun time on Sunday as you reached 9000. WoooooooHoooooooo!!!
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