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Everything posted by onlyfrogs4me

  1. I'm new to geocaching. We went to a city park this past Sunday and found a cache that is in a wooded area. It was pouring rain so I left the kids in the car with my mom. My dad and I went to find the cahce and it was really creepy because it was getting dark and we were in a not so nice area apparently. We found the cache hidden in the woods, but it has several syrnges in the hiding place an brillo pads on the pathway. I was so glad I left the kids in the car. Not only did we find that, but we also found a poor little dog tied to a tree with an extension cord. It was so sad looking, sitting there in the rain. We called the nonemergency line to the police and they said they would have animal control come out and get it. We went back 4 hours later to check on it and it was still there. My mom went to Wal-Mart and bought some dog food and was going to feed it but when she got back a police officer was there and he said animal control was on it's way. He said she had a pretty bad wound on her side. It's so sad that someone would do that. I felt so sorry for her. I would have taken her home if my dear hubby would have let me. I did have to laugh though...my oldest daughter was really upset and she asked me with this concerned look on her face...."momma isn't it dangerous for the dog to be tied up with an extension cord since it's raining outside?" It was very hard to stay straight faced and tell her it's only dangerous when it's plugged into an electrical outlet.
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