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Everything posted by nooks

  1. Look up the history for this island. It's governed by Australia and has an interesting not very Christmasy history. But, hey, it's a Christmasy post, of a sort!
  2. Ok, so is NOW the time to hit you up for a PG nut, nutlady? Yeah...you could say so. How about a percentage of that distelery? ( spell check please) You wouldn't want it, do you hear that flushing sound? That's money down the drain. But, man is it good brandy! numbered bottles.............wait a minute, they could be a sig item, yes!!!! I could track them! Uummm, on second thought, the bottle won't fit in an ammo can! You can buy it at Bevmo. Ask for a brandy made in Santa Cruz, I don't want to get in trouble with TPTB Holiday Cheer, nooks
  3. I'm begging while it's still Christmas, hoping that a nut might still have the candles burning..... A nut a simple request and a poem, on my behest, Oh nutlady, I beseech you, please send a PG nut, with Christmas cheer before the holiday new year!!! Holiday Cheer, nooks (you said I could beg )
  4. LOOK a whole island devoted to christmas Those of us in the know, know otherwise
  5. only goin to 500, rule change, I think.
  6. I'm going with a scout uniform, scarf or shirt for you, cub master! night, night, nooks
  7. Oh my! Is this going to go until tomorrow?
  8. Ok, so is NOW the time to hit you up for a PG nut, nutlady?
  9. Completely and absolutely amazing! I am inspired and awestruck at the sheer generosity here. Thanks to everyone, EVERYONE! For participating however you did, giving or receiving. What a great group of people. Stay tuned for New Year's. I'm coining up and trying to come up with ideas for contests. Thanks to everyone especially TPTB. Holiday Cheers, nooks
  10. I've posted thanks in just about every thread, and that would usually be construed as spam, but I can't say it often enough. Look at the current front page threads in this forum. All of the generosity, joy, good will, good wishes and fun, fun, fun has been marvelous, entertaining, and inspiring. Thanks to TPTB for allowing much which should have been in the off-topic forum. In the New Year I hope that we can keep the sheer joyfulness and respectful good wishes going. Thanks to all of the coin contest holders, who provided coins, and contest participants who provided entertaining responses, and coin makers for the wonderful holiday coins and suprises. Merry Christmas and many FTF to all in the New Year! Holiday Cheer, Nooks
  11. Kealia knows Who has been naughty or nice You, Mustang joni
  12. I wasn't sure if you saw the other post, but I want to thank you again for offering to personally drive my coin order to my house so I would have it in time for Christmas. That was awfully sweet of you AND great customer service to boot. Of course, the only person that's getting that present is me! I can wait (not!) Merry Christmas and many coin orders in the New Year! Holiday Cheers, nooks
  13. Thanks to all the contest runners and contest players for making this a fantastic Christmas, filled with good wishes, good feelings and good cheer. Thanks to the moderators for tolerating what would normally be considered off-topic threads here in the coin forum. I have never enjoyed this forum more. All in the spirit of Christmas, peace in the forums, and good will towards all geocachers! Holiday Cheers, nooks
  14. hehehehe........keep begging.......nutlady likes Brandy too...... hit me up in a few hours. ( No work tomorrow! ) (This is nooks looking SHOCKED!) Who are you talk'n to? How did you know that I'm part owner of a distillery that makes brandy? Holiday Cheers, nooks
  15. post #51, did I win anything? Oops, wrong forum. Bought a bunch of stuff and a Christmas suprise, thanks!
  16. To write a haiku First, I must learn how to count The words will follow
  17. But what if I really want a PG nutlady? Can I get one?
  18. :laughing: Just what I've always wanted, whatever it is Cheers, nooks
  19. In case you're wondering, I'm sick in bed with the flu and the Nyquil has finally gotten to me.
  20. I like this idea for geocaching. How about a Santa's hat geocach-athon in July? Anyone? Anyone?
  21. Wouldn't want you to miss out, Windrose. Everybody send those great puzzle caches to Wiindrose, that will keep you entertained! :)
  22. I want to talk about how great this guy is!. He offered to drive to my house to get a coin to me in time for Christmas if I needed it. My hubby said I should tell him we're in Mexico and can he drive it down now! Seriously, the only person who was getting that "present" was me and I can wait (not!) Thanks for the great customer service and I hope your Christmas was Merry, Steve.
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