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Instant Karma

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Everything posted by Instant Karma

  1. I should clarify from my above post. By support, I was referring to the financial kind. We needed their sponsorship to pay for things. We were told geoevents had to be free to attend and we couldn't charge an "admission fee." If you've got the costs part figured out, like I said, go for it. People will come. Just not sure how or that you can promise MEGA status. Seems some people didn't read the first post to this thread very clearly. ----insert first post here!----- Here is a question posed to EVERYONE. You do not have to have been to the Temecula Valley Coin Event or live on the east coast to give your input. To be clear, THIS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT IS FOR SURE HAPPENING What do you think about having a East Coast version of the mega coin event that was held in Temecula Valley a couple weeks ago? The event would be scheduled for the fall, around 6-8 months after the other one. What is everyones thoughts about it and what is the interest in coming. Thanks for the input. ----end first post here!----- It was a posed question. I see no promise of a mega event and would imagine that for a first event, that would all depend on the attendance and could become an event if the numbers warrant it. It seems to only be a post to see if sufficient interest is present to consider hosting an event on the other side of the U.S. this year. If one group feels they have all the vendors in their 'back pocket' so to speak, there is no need to flaunt that--just let this interested individual see what they can do. It appears to be only a discussion. If somebody wants to have a coin event, do the work, make the plans, then it would be up to that particular group to decide if it can be pulled off--money or vendor support is not for others to be concerned with unless they are part of the planning group--don't cha think? I say roll on...give it a try...plan it and I'll attend. Peace.
  2. OH OH---I think I just found one of those. Deleted logs are showing up several of his own archived caches on his own caches--and this is on his profile: <snip> I live in rural _______ and I'm a cache-a-holic. Fortunately they've not came up with a 12 step program for it yet. I enjoy caching to rediscover the area I live in. I'm always amazed at what the area holds that I never knew was there. It's all about the fun and laughs. <snip> Somebody who logs their own caches is definitely fitting the description you mention above...but I guess we could add that to the rest of your descriptors and maybe even add this to a wikipedia definition for a numbers ho! Is this the same cacher Bubbles has referred to above? huh? is it?
  3. I keep hearing and reading about cachers who are called a 'numbers ho.' How do you define that term? I would prefer that the big number finders really NOT be the ones discussed here, but rather the smaller number finders who somehow think that having more numbers makes them better? Isn't the game all about the fun, getting outdoors, and enjoying finding caches? What would be the attraction to having the most numbers? Is there a prize somewhere I am not aware of? Is there a special event where the number ho folks congregate? Please don't talk about the high-number finder in PA or wherever that always seems to stir people up so much--that just means that this thread won't last long.
  4. Think I screwed that last post reply up. I'm sorry, new here and still learning the ropes.
  5. At least Gaits fessed up and apologized to me via email, and is trying to gain some lost credibility in the geocaching community. I usually let this kinda stuff go, but his arrogance just rubbed me the wrong way. Oh well, his bogus, lofty numbers mean nothing to anyone except himself. Then again... he would think he is something 'special' even without the numbers. So sad ... Maybe since we all know who this unnamed cacher probably is (even though he has not been mentioned by name) we could do an Internet search for him. Who knows, he might really be somebody special!!! He might hold the Guiness World Book of Records record for most caches found while sitting at home behind his computer.
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