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Everything posted by Mausebiber

  1. Inzwischen habe ich auch schon wieder mein Oregon 700 verkauft, ein grausam schlechtes Navi und ich kann nicht glauben, dass Garmin nur noch Schrott auf den Markt bringt. Hatte gehofft, dass irgendwann mal ein Oregon 800 kommt, das die Schwächen der O 600 und O 700 er Serie abstellt, aber da kommt nix. Was nun, nach langem hin und her habe ich mir im November ein GPSMap 66 gekauft, nur die Basisversion, ohne fest verbauten Akku oder Freizeitkarte, hat 319.- Euro gekostet. Ist schon eine gewaltige Umstellung zum Touchscreen, für viele Funktionen muss man die doppelt so oft auf Knöpfe drücken, viele Funktionen sind in den Tiefen der Menüs versteckt. Das GPSr macht alles was ich will, reagiert auch so wie es soll, entwickelt kein Eigenleben wie das O600/700 aber die Bedienung ist im Vergleich doch umständlich.
  2. Yes, I have done several like this https://coord.info/GC2GQJW Das Projekt besteht aus zwei Caches, einer in Heidelberg und einer im Département Ardèche GC2GVZN. Um die Caches zu finden ist es zwingend erforderlich, sich einen Partner im jeweiligen anderen Land zu suchen, der bereit ist, am Projekt mitzuarbeiten. Translation: The project consists of two caches, one in Heidelberg (Germany) and one in the Ardèche department GC2GVZN (France). In order to find the caches, it is imperative to look for a partner in the other country who is willing to work on the project. https://coord.info/GC1VMNG https://coord.info/GC1VMNJ Two different regions need to help each other to find the cache. To find the cache "here", you need some information from "there" and vice versa.
  3. Kann man das nicht einfach löschen? Schau mal hier auf Seite 7: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/156XmTujeESmEdZtZPK8c4IohpVRUctgsbtr1JLKXe1A/edit#slide=id.g7d774ad12d_318_317
  4. Is it? I read the Help Center differently, her what it says: We occasionally provide opportunities to receive additional credits. There is no need for users to request additional credits. Credits are generally distributed using a random selection (with geographic distribution). In most cases, all creators who have created a public Adventure and have no available credits or Adventures turned “off” or “private” are eligible and are automatically entered in the selection process. They provide additional credit using a random selection. If you have not turned off one of you Adventures you are automatically entered in the selection process. If you have turned off your Adventure, you are not in the automated selection process. It does not say, that you cannot submit a request for an AL.
  5. This problem was discussed some time ago and one of the solutions was, to have a separate account for ALs, so you have a set of finds for geocache and another set of finds for Als.
  6. That's why I said do NOT delete, just disable It says, that it will screw-up the system especially the points for users who have completed the Al in question. That's not how I read the help center: We occasionally provide opportunities to receive additional credits. There is no need for users to request additional credits. Credits are generally distributed using a random selection (with geographic distribution). In most cases, all creators who have created a public Adventure and have no available credits or Adventures turned “off” or “private” are eligible and are automatically entered in the selection process. You still can apply for a credit, just the automated process, the random selection, does not work for those.
  7. Besonders blöd, dass man den Unsinn als Cacheowner nicht löschen darf. Wenn da nicht wirklich was unanständiges steht, dann wird Groundspeak immer dem Loggenden recht geben, leider.
  8. It's not different than any other cache. If you archive a cache, it will remain within the system forever, it will not disappear. Therefore, turn it off, don't delete.
  9. I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in Germany we have hundreds of new ALs every month. In total, there are so many, that you can't see the roads any more
  10. Yes, but the messages should be displayed correctly on all platforms.
  11. Yes, but why does he has several names on different accounts?
  12. There were a lot of problems while cacher posting pictures taken from cellular phones or other cameras and NOT from the web-cam. Groundspeak received a lot of complains every day from users where the log-entry was deleted from web-cam owners. Webcam cache were banned from being published because cacher who logged were not following very easy guidelines.
  13. If you don't like you account name or if you think something else sounds better, you don't have to create a new account, you can change the account name in geocaching.com From the help center: 1.3. Edit username You may update your geocaching username at any time, using the Geocaching website. Log on to Geocaching.com. Next to your username in the top right corner, select the down arrow to select Settings. Under Profile Information, edit the Username. Scroll to bottom of page and select Save Changes. Usernames must be between 2 and 20 characters. Geocaching.com supports the following characters for usernames, all other characters, including spaces, are invalid: a to z A to Z 0 to 9 _ [underscore] ä ö ü ë ï ÿ æ œ ß á é í ó ú ý à è ì ò ù â ê î ô û ç ñ å ů č ě ň ř š ž ť ø ď Usernames must comply with the Terms of Use. Occasionally a username is unsuitable for a variety of reasons. Should this happen, we will ask you to choose a new username. We also reserve the right to change usernames ourselves when necessary. Changing a username does not remove any account history, including previously found geocaches.
  14. Import all your finds from one account into GSAK and use "Publish Logs" to log those with your new account. Note: While you use this automated log feature, I would include a statement for the various cache owner that you combine some accounts. So they know, why you log a cache today you found years ago.
  15. Keine Alternative aber eine Lösung deines Problems: https://www.lucian-bergmann.de/reparatur/
  16. Muss mal schauen, ob es da etwas gibt das dies automatisch macht, händisch geht es so: Unter \Garmin den Ordner GeocachePhotos erstellen. Darunter Ordner von 0-9 sowie A-Z, also der Form: \Garmin\GeocachePhotos\0 \Garmin\GeocachePhotos\1 \Garmin\GeocachePhotos\2 . . \Garmin\GeocachePhotos\Z Nun musst du noch die GC Nummer des Cache haben in dem das Bild dargestellt werden soll, sagen wir mal: GCAB1XAK mit dem Bild "Spoiler.jpg" Der Pfad in dem dieses Bild liegt muss noch erweitert werden. Die Form ist: \Garmin\GeocachePhotos\letzter Buchstabe des GC Codes\vorletzter Buchstabe des GC Codes\GC Code\Bild.jpg. In unserem Beispiel also: \Garmin\GeocachePhotos\K\A\GCAB1XAK\Spoiler.jpg RCH Spoiler Downloader hat die Bilder herunter geladen und genau so in die entsprechenden Ordner geschrieben. Viel Spaß, MB
  17. Where do you have the 50% (half) from? My impression is, that 90% of the community like ALs the way they are, and a minority is complaining or are not happy with the way they are implemented.
  18. Try the following: open you "finds" database where you have all your finds. click on "Geocaching.com access" click on "refresh cache data ..." This will synchronize your GSAK found data with your Groundspeak found information.
  19. 30 Minutes? For me, it only takes 5 Minutes, here, see me in action:
  20. The question was ALL set to maximum" and ALL questions are multiple choice and I answered NO provided one sample. I think his question is answered.
  21. NO, see Sightseeing @ Munich International Airport, geofence set to 100m
  22. Not sure if I understand your problem. If the AL is sequential, the arrow is leading you to the first stage. If the AL is NOT sequential, always the closest stage is marked. All you have to do click on any other of the stages to make those "active" and the arrow will get you there. You can make any of the stages your first stage
  23. Ich schließe mich der Ansicht von frostengel an, wenn du es nicht versuchst, wird das ganz bestimmt nichts, wenn du deine Idee dem Reviewer vorstellst, hast du zumindest eine Chance, dass es genehmigt wird.
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