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Everything posted by Jeebeevee

  1. De reviewers van NLD hebben het inderdaad druk. ze doen het reviewen namelijk naast hun gewone werk. Maar als je vragen hebt over het reviewen kun je het beste even contact opnemen met de reviewers Kruimeldief en GeoGuy. en noem er de GC code bij. gr. Jeebeevee
  2. hi, I work now a little time with this program and i like it. there is only one thing i shout like to see in Urwigo. I like to see te option to put in the wgs84 coördinates. (deg min.min) this because google maps works with a mistake of 50 till 100 m. if it is possible i like to hear. thx Jeebeevee
  3. I had some problems with te normal Wherigo builder. now i make the last part of the Wherigo with Urwigo and i had to find this program earlier, how nice is it. Thx for making it.
  4. i found the answer. just place the variable name in the place of player.name. eg. [[text]]..variableName..[[text]].
  5. how do i display a variable (one i have creat) in a dialog or messagebox. i know how it works with the players settings, (eg. [[]]..Player.Name..[[]]). but now with a variable from the catridge him self.
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