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Ry Dawg

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Everything posted by Ry Dawg

  1. Recently, I've been in the process of placing a new cache. Some of the attributes cover the basis, such "may require wading"; but there sure isn't one for "beware of quicksand" or the like. Just curious, what caches do you have out to which you could/would put a unique attribute? What would the attributes be?
  2. I think that sounds pretty amazing, myself. I'd love to find a cache like that! Thanks for sharing
  3. This is exactly right. I want to try them, but just don't understand. I don't want to ignore my local caches, I want to learn how to do them. I'm glad I've had mostly support in this forum to lead me in the right direction, so I can try to start this. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for all the responses. A lot of good advice was given here today, and I am less confused on where to begin. I am new to this genre of caches. I don't really know any local cachers in my area, as I was introduced to geocaching through an out of state cousin. Thanks for the willingness to help.
  5. You're right. I would still cache. I worded that poorly; what I meant to explain was when I am going to a new area, and it's flooded with puzzles I cannot start, and maybe only one or two "regulars", it detours me away from that specific area of caching.
  6. Just a side note on the Premium Cache comments. I think it's just a matter of preference & situation. I've seen some premium onlys that I did not know why they were that way. I've also seen some in very high traffic areas hidden really well. In that case, I would assume the were marked this way, to be less likely muggled. Whether or not you have an opinion on paying for a membership, usually, a service somebody is paying for, they are less likely to use poorly; such as, a previous quote about some members "muggling" to be mean. I have set a few to this setting myself, more as a benefit. To bring Premium Members to a historical area I really enjoy, and want others to learn about, without drawing "too much" attention to it. Just some thoughts I had on that side-topic. Sorry for the lengthy synopsis.
  7. Oh, thanks! I will have to fix this problem!
  8. {{edited to remove any clues to the cache}}
  9. A good place to begin might be ePeterson2's Puzzle Solving 101 Series. As well, here's a fairly extensive list of puzzle solving resources. Thank you for the links! I will give them a go. I probably won't be in the area to "log" them, but assuming it helps me figure them out, that would be awesome!
  10. This may seem like a ridiculous question, but what is a "distinct cache?" On my profile, it reads: You've found 398 caches (392 distinct) since your first cache find on 08/17/2006. What makes this be so? Just couldn't figure it out.
  11. Thanks for the responses y'all. I wanted to get out my frustrations without offending any cache owners, as they are obviously very thought out and planned puzzles. I just would like to know how to get into them. I don't know what Notpron is. I'm not the most computer savvy person in the world though. If anybody has a minute, I will send GC codes of a few caches that confuse me and others have found easy. Just to get an opinion. I believe once I find a starting point on some, it may be less frustrating for me. But we shall see!
  12. Very good topic! I think it is a very useful tool to look at a glance and see what you need to take care of. I am wondering if people adding "oh by the way..." to their log, are doing so because they are new and don't know you can log a NB and i Found log? I'm not sure, just a thought.
  13. Don't judge me. All these puzzle caches confuse me. How do you even know where to start? It makes no sense. Especially the ones that don't say anything about the cache, just how easy it is to solve, without any information at all? It's really starting to take the fun out of the game when I see them popping up all over. It's making me not even want to go out and cache when I see them everywhere and can't make sense of it. </rant>
  14. Mine did that at first. I had to go into settings on the APP (make sure you have all the updates first, as they have changed things) and select the types of caches I wanted displayed in my search results. It was defaulted to showing only "traditional non-premium" caches.
  15. AGREED! Most annoying placement type I've ever run across. Especially in trees or bushes with thorns.
  16. My personal choice, is only after and only once. I like the challenge, even after having already "qualified". It's just nice to have personal goals, and something to work towards as opposed to "oh hey, i've done that". I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, it's just not the preference for me.
  17. I use my iPhone 4 to do "spur of the moment" caching, such as waiting for somebody, etc. When I actually leave to "go geocaching", I use a regular GPSr. They are much more accurate, & you don't have to be within range of a cell tower to use!
  18. I'd have to agree with this. It snows more than half the year here, and some years in summer. You just bundle up, and get your cache-on! Haha. And I DO hate when you are injured and can't cache. Although, I've been caching for a week with a broken ankle. I'm just a lot slower and can't find any on mountains very easily.
  19. i just ignore those people. they clearly need to be re-acquainted with their treadmill
  20. What exactly is the ol' fizzy challenge???
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