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AZ herp girl

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Everything posted by AZ herp girl

  1. I have to admit I've spent WAY more time looking for rattlesnakes than I have geocaching, and there are a lot of great tips on here already, but thought I'd put my two bits in. If you are really really worried about being bitten, you can purchase a small, pack-ready vial of a genral purpose antivenin from some medical supply companies (look around on the web). The sooner you start receiving antivenom treatment the better off you will be. Just remember DONT cut the wound, this will only make it worse. DONT run- increased heartrate makes the venom work faster. DONT apply ice or a tight tourniquet, this often causes more tissue dammage than the bite itself. DONT try to identify the snake. The antivenom you will receive at the hospital is a "coctail" designed to work against the two types of venom you will encounter in the US. Snakes, even venemous ones, are beautiful and something to enjoy -at a distance. Happy caching!
  2. I'm not sure how to find a zip code for some of the areas I want to cache. For example, I'm going to penasco canyon AZ this weekend and I wanted to see if there were any caches I could pick up on the way. I can get on TOPOZone.com and get the UTM for the area, but it doesn't give lat/lon coords. I'm a newbie at this anyway, and I totally admit that I do not understand all the finer points of GPS technology, or probably even a lot of the basics. I just figured having a way to search by UTM (the system I kinda sorta understand how to use) would make it easier to keep caching while I am struggling around the learning curve.
  3. Is there a way that the "hide and seek a cache" page on geocaching could include looking up caches by UTMs? Its just kinda confusing, especially for a neophyte cacher like myself, convert Lat/Lon to UTMs everytime I want to go somewhere and hunt a cache.
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