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Tank Hounds

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Everything posted by Tank Hounds

  1. Never got an email? I emailed last night to say that i was in...
  2. http://www.geocoincollection.com/cointrade...1&owner=360 Tank Hounds "have" list
  3. Tank Hounds


    Darn, I missed it AGAIN too...if there is another cleaning frenzy, I'd love to be in for one.
  4. That's a good idea...maybe to include what site you have your collection list on? I'm in...email sent...
  5. I haven't met Bud, but I have met Glen! And he met one of our 6 hounds...Ozzie...definitely want at least one! Love those dog coins!
  6. I got mine today and am very happy with them. Gotta love the simple concepts that aren't full of extra "stuff" on the coin! Thanks and what a great idea!
  7. I'm seeking one of the new rock piles hides and finds coins...please please please..... geocoincollection.com or contact me!!! Thanks!
  8. So are the "C" coins different from the N and G coins?
  9. I'm not sure, but I don't think they are sold out. You do have to use the link in the 1st post. I just went there and they look like they are available? I thought that too, but if you click on "add one to basket" there is a note at the top that says that they are sold out. I am _assuming_ (and could possibly be wrong!) that since they were mailed out people will start getting them and someone will post a picture of what they look like. I thought in an earlier post it was said that once the picture is shown or after a bit they would go back on sale, but for more expensive...or something like that, so maybe sales were halted since people would be getting them soon and they will go back on sale with a picture for the higher price?!?
  10. I don't see anything wrong with it. We put out a cache with our friends here in Colorado that is a multi. We made up a story about a missing person who may or may not be a ghost now and how people disapear in the area...there are 3 stages, an arm at the first stage with the coords written on the hand,(chained to a log) a leg at the second stage (chained to a log), with coords written on it, and the last is an ammo box wtih a skull chained to it. We've gotten good comments, so I tihnk it will be fine.
  11. Email sent...gotta support other military spouses! Nice coin.
  12. The deal with this set of coins from what I know is that there was a special pre-sale of these coins to members of MAGC, and supposed to be to those people only and the regular sale will be later. (Mon from what the newsletter said). But it looks like they will have lots of these coins made and remade next year too.
  13. OOPS.. let me know what you are short and I will send you a replacement It's all good, I like the one I got that wasn't in the set that I ordered better anyway! I'm happy with what I got, thanks though!
  14. I am definitely in for one of each color! Love 'em.
  15. Interesting...I got 2 coins from one set and 1 coin from the other set.... I like the ones I got, but it looks like they got mixed up in the shipping as I only ordered one set! Oh well! Thanks!
  16. Since you have to be within 10 nickels our guess is 50 cents...that's 10 nickels! Ok, I'm sure not, but thought of it...
  17. Would like to reserve one glow one...don't care what medal..
  18. I will do it today...sorry everyone...been swamped with work....hang on for the new map...looks like the fairy has almost hit every state!
  19. That would explain that strange slime I find in caches from time to time! Actually when I take one of my bloodhounds...usually they want to go in any direction OTHER than the cache...there are so many other good smells around...I have been trying to sign a log and get my arm pulled by the dog...or I am trying to put it back and they want to go in the other direction...and if a rabbit or squirrel runs by...forgetaboutit!!
  20. My next personal coin will be only for trade....I guess I want to ask people WHY they decide to go only for trade...I can tell you why I am...I just had my first personal coin and some people bought 4 or so (I know that when some other coins come out some people will buy like 10-20 coins)...and then not one week after I sent out my coins one person already had the "extras" that were bought on E**y...That just irks me...so they bought extras not for caches, but to profit from...so because of my irritation on that front I've decided that if people want my coin badly enough then they will have to trade for it. I just get irritated that people feel the need to buy 10 coins (like the magic 8ball coin) and then they hold them "hostage" for others to buy/trade for....when if they left them out there everyone could get one in the first place... OK....back to the thread...
  21. I know that I "reserved" on the other thread, but I went ahead and put in the order on the order form...
  22. no invoice here yet either! I reserved 2....
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