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Socal ZukiCachers

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Everything posted by Socal ZukiCachers

  1. Please contact Jeff Caulfield, who is the National Product Trainer/Brand Advocate for Magellan; because he will probably replace your unit for you. Jeff Caulfield National Product Trainer/Brand Advocate Magellan Outdoor GPS 801-913-5774 jcaulfield@magellangps.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  2. Try his cell number 801-913-5774 Sorry for the problem... David
  3. Big Bob, If you need any additional assistance with your new eX110 I would highly recommended checking out http://www.magellaninsiders.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  4. There are several ways to come up with "FREE" or almost free maps for you GC. For more information check out: http://www.magellaninsiders.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  5. I just received word from Magellan Outdoors that they are starting a new trade-in program for their GPS. If you trade in your GPS, no matter what brand it is, they will give you 40% off of a new Magellan eXplorist GPS. If you are interested, you can contact their Nation Product Advocate directly, because this hasn't been announced on their website or the media yet; however, Jeff said that he would start working with interested individuals now. Jeff Caulfield National Product Trainer/Brand Advocate Magellan Outdoor GPS 801-816-5774 jcaulfield@magellangps.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  6. Yes, it can be a bit daunting at first, but over time you will work out a system. The unfortunate part is that there are programs like Magellan's Vantage Point and GSAK (Geocaching Swiss Army Knife) that are available; however, you would have to run them in a PC mode on your MAC. However, you will get used to it as time goes on. When I'm going out caching I often load 3,000 to 5,000 caches on mine even though I know the route I'm planning on taking, but that gives me the freedom to change my route or to decide to do something totally different if I decide to since I'm normally cache in my 4x4 and often end up covering 50 to 150 miles a day during a caching run. Again, if you would like some help from other Magellan users who have figured out their own way of sorting and arranging their caches to work for them, check out the MagellanInsiders.com forum. David
  7. The eX510 does have a query function built into it that will allow you to filter the caches on different variable; however, I believe you are wanting to go beyond that basics here and therefore the basic answer is no the eX510 really doesn't offer the functions you are seeking. The idea of including these types of functions have been passed on to the product manager; however, the current firmware does not support it. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester P.S. Being a Magellan Outdoors GPS owner I would invite you to join us at http://www.magellaninsiders.com which is a forum where Magellan users help each other and we also have direction contact with Magellan's Outdoor team.
  8. I am sorry, but the answer is no. If the files wasn't created then it can't be created after the fact. I just have a couple of questions, because I load PQs to my unit all the time and never have a problem with the unit doing this. So, I know that Magellan hasn't released a firmware update recently for the eX310; but did you recently update to the latest firmware? Or has you made any other changes to the unit like loading custom maps. Also, how full is the memory on the unit? I would also ask that you retry marking some caches as found and see if the log file it created, because if it is not we may need to swap your unit out with a new one so we can test the unit you currently have. Thanks, David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  9. Please contact Jeff Caulfield and explain your situation to him. He will more than likely send you a new unit to replace your broken one: Jeff Caulfield National Product Trainer/Brand Advocate Magellan Outdoor GPS 801-816-5774 jcaulfield@magellangps.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  10. Ok, I spoke to the guys at Magellan HQ today and here is Magellan's answer to all of you who are having problems with the eX110 freezing when getting close to GZ... Please Contact: Jeff Caulfield National Product Trainer/Brand Advocate Magellan Outdoor GPS 801-816-5774 jcaulfield@magellangps.com For a replacement... David
  11. its not that its a bad gps...it seems if you move in a line or slow turns toward something it is fine. the problem im having is turning around/sharp turn and then another turn right after that sort of thing...like today it took me within 50 ft of the cache (accuracy was 25 ft) and 50 ft is close enough to where i can look at distance to waypoint and my direction to figure out where the cache is, but me being me this is a new gps and i wanted it to zero me in, every correction i made to get zeroed in put me farther away or in the wrong direction. the arrow kept jumping around and it wouldnt update my position very well (updated every 15 feet id say) i dnt think i will have a problem finding caches, i just thought it would b more accurate in finesse work...im thinking about buying a etrex 20(i have 30 days to return this 110) but i like the way this 110 is set up... i had also set it to beep at distance to waypoint at 30 ft (or something like that) and the past 2 caches where i tried finesse work and failed i ended up looking for it myself but the thing went off ten ft from the cache both times (it was swinging on a lanyard around my neck) i dont know how to explain that I just got off of the phone with the National Product Rep. at Magellan concerning the problems with the eX110 and he wants to know if all of you have installed the latest v1.12 firmware for the unit. Please understand that this isn't be put forward as a fix for the problem, becauses he is wondering if there was a bug introduced with the v1.12 release that wasn't caught in testing. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  12. Your GPS comes with a sample file on it that contains 1,000 caches from around the US on it. To use the device you are going to have to load it with the data thank you want on it, which requires you to either create pocket queries on Geocaching.com inorder to load multiple caches filter by the filters you use in your query or you can load them one by one with Magellan's Communicator which you don't download by clicking on the send to GPS feature in the cache information on this site. However, as a Beta Tester for Magellan I don't recommend using the later... You might want to take a look at this video for assistance. It isn't high quality, but serves the purpose. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40ZsZhlY_MU Also, for additional information you might want to check out http://www.magellaninsiders.com which is a user supported support site for Magellan users. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  13. Please try connecting the GPS to the computer and then delete the gpx files contained in the Geocache folder on the unit. After you have deleted the files, then see if it starts correctly. Please let me know if this works, or if you need further assistance. zukicacher@gmail.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  14. Hello, To be honest, there is very little to be done at this point. If you were the original owner I could probably get you a free replacement, even if the unit was out of warranty. However, since you purchased the unit in this condition there is little that I can do. Unfortunetly Magellan does not stock nor do they sell parts for these units; so the only possible answer would be to either find another broken unit on eBay and hold the antenna in it is still good or contact www.jungleghost.com and see what they would charge to repair the unit; however, it is probably going to be more than the unit is worth. Sorry, David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  15. Crashbangboom, I would invite you to join us at http://www.magellaninsiders.com where you can get your questions answered... David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  16. The long awaited update to Magellan's eXplorist GC is now available on their website. This update changes the main menu, incorporates a better basemap and allows the user to add custom maps to the units as well as several other upgrades. David Magellan Insider
  17. Most all GPS have a track function that will help get you back out of the woods or anywhere you might be. Actually, most units have the ability to use a track as a route which will lead to back to your starting point. As far as Android apps, I don't know of any that have the track function; but I am sure there are probably several out there. However, I just writting my own to work on my Google Nexus Tablet and my Galaxy 3s so they will have function tracking and routing capabilities as well as paperless caching... David
  18. Email me at Zukicacher@gmail.com and I'll help you get the map back. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  19. I would highly recommend paying a little more on Amazon and getting the eX310. You'll be glad you did.... David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  20. Check out http://www.magellaninsiders.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  21. It is a great little device for the money and once the new firmware is realease (soon) it is going to be an even better device. I've been running version 2 of the firmware for a little while now, which will be publicaly release in the near future, and it has a new structure as well as allowing the user to load additional maps and I have found it to be a great little GPS. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  22. Sam, Please explain to me what you are doing. If you are downloading the pocket query straight from GS.com then you just need to download it to your desktop and decompress the zip file and then copy only the .gpx file, not the *wpts.gpx to the Geocache directoy on your eX310. I hope this helps. Also, I would invite you to join the Magellan users form at http://www.magellaninsiders.com David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  23. Send me an email at Zukicacher@gmail.com and I will send you the phone number and email address for Magellan's National Product Advocate - Jeff Caulfield. He should be able to get you the answers you need. Also, you can join us at http://www.magellaninsiders.com where answer user might be able to help. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  24. Unfortunately there is no source of parts for the GC. Your best bets is eBay! David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
  25. Hello, At the current time there is no fix for the arrow size; however, since the 610 will zoom into a 10' range, if you zoom in you will find that the cache will hardly ever be behind the arrow. Also, please understand that this has been documented and is supposed to be fixed in the coming firmware release for the unit. David Magellan Insider/Beta Tester
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