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Everything posted by Xavier961

  1. My story is more of a comedy than anything else. My head, back and bum were sore for a couple days but nothing else. Glad I was alone for this one. I did a cache after work 'Farnum Hill #2 (GCHRZJ)'. I had been up this hill before getting the 'Farnum Hill #1' cache so decided to hike it up to this one. Once at the cache, I decided to bush wack out to the trail closer to the truck since I hadn't waypointed the truck I just panned the gps and marked a waypoint on what I thought to be the road I walked in on. (Scene setting), misty rain, thick hemlock/pine woods, steep slopes, lots of hemlock and pine needles and low branches. I'm 6'6" tall and 360lbs, like a moose crashing through the woods. Off I go. I got to one particular spot on the slope and figured I could squeeze through a thicket of branches to a small clearning on the other side. Well I grabbed the branches to move them out of the way, stepped through, released the branches and was rudely thwapped in the back by the same branch I was moving past. This in turn knocked me forward and as I stumbled into the next set of branches throwing me off balance, I slipped on the slippery ground cover and wham.. on my butt. As I sat there for a minute collecting my thoughts I proceeded to stand and slipped again only this time traveling down the slope very un-gracefully. I stood up and cursed all the places I had pine needles sticking out. I had to laugh because I was no more than .1 miles from my truck. All for the love of the game slipped I.
  2. I lurk.. occasionally post.. I've been into the sport for 2 yrs now. My brother-in-law intoduced me to it one weekend in northern vermont. I in-turn intoduced it to my cousin who lives in Ohio, who was visiting a different weekend at the same place in vermont. (Parents own property in Northern Vermont) I'm from NH, love this sport. It takes me places I'd never go on my own. You learn more about an area by searching for a small container than if you simply hiked to it and went 'oOoO...AhHhHh..' then went on your merry way. Although my geosense is a tad rusty.. I try to go every other day. Be safe in the woods, Happy Geocaching. Xavier961
  3. Here is a stock pic of my new 2004 Nissan Xterra SE. I upgraded from a VW Beetle to this. My beetle didn't like the mud, dirt, sand, only the streets, so I let it go. This is my new toy for geocaching. Already tested on a class 6 road with rocks and deep mud, ran great, though needs brush guard, and extra lights.
  4. I've noticed around my area and within a 100 mile radius that there are certain cachers that pick the good treasures out of all the caches and leave crap like toy soliders or marbles or a single playing card. It irks me to read a log online that hasn't been 'hit' for a couple of months to see that there's a geocoin in a cache, (have only found 1 other geocoin before) only to walk the 2 miles up a mountain trail to find no geocoin, and a log in the log book, "T - geocoin L - playing card". Well Yippy Skippy!.. thanks for logging it in... wanker... I try to keep my geobag full of good trade items, usually $1-$5 in price so that I have plenty of things to trade up or trade even and never trade down. If I find something that's really cool I'll even give more for it in return. I enjoy the hunt, trudging through the wilderness and finally finding my quary..but not opening the cache to see two sticks, a rubber band, and a bouncy ball with teeth marks in it. Come on: Trade even, trade up or don't bother to trade at all! IMHO.
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