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Everything posted by cache_in_hand

  1. Looks like Molly is getting around! lol You go girl.
  2. Sorry to tell you this Pastor B but you are in the same boat as many others here and none of us have a paddle. I personally spoke with Tracy at Geowoodstock this year and asked for a refund. She told me all I had to do was write to her, so I did. I emailed her through ground speak, hotmail and ebay. I've lost track how many times I've emailed her. I have called her phone and left messages asking to speak with her about my refund with no return call. Advice you ask for? Notify the BBB fraud department in Tennessee.
  3. No communication from TnT: In the last two weeks, I have emailed Tracy from an address I recieved from a friend (not through her website), I have left a message on her phone and I have emailed her through EBay. I have not received an email or phone call in return. It looks to me as if she has walked away from everyone that pre ordered and paid for Quilt coins and doesn't seem to be looking back.
  4. cache_in_hand


    Thanks for the update Jackalgirl, I didn't want to feel that I had misled anyone at the event.
  5. Didn't see this until this evening. I'm glad you are continuing this project Stephanie and getting others involved as well. I hope Buddy is doing well, he is just so cute.
  6. cache_in_hand


    So when we told people at our events that only X amount were minted of our colors were we in error or did oak coins mint other colors as well to sell?
  7. I sure like how the back of this coin is offset.
  8. This coin design reminds me of some of the 'older' coins. I like the minimal use of color, it sets off the metal and will look very nice. Those green leaves would contrast beautifully with antique copper. : ) I agree with the comment to enlarge the ammo can and claw.
  9. Just wondering if you made any color changes on these. You had mentioned that you might.
  10. cache_in_hand


    Since we had so many coins left over that didn't sell from last year we decided to only get 50 this year. They blew out of there so fast that not even all the attendees got to get one. We had a super turnout! Thanks for the great coin design Jackalgirl, everyone loved them.
  11. Stephanie, The Bora coloring is perfect for copper. You've out done yourself. Thank you and thank you! Many smiles your way. : )
  12. I fear that line in front of Tsuns booth is going to be very, very long.
  13. Chuck 1. Participating: Yes 2. Received Name 3. Mission Complete 4. Mission Arrived! Wanna 1. Participating: Yes 2. Received Name 3. Mission Complete 4. Mission Arrived!
  14. Sure hope you bring these to GCF? If they are not finished maybe bring the samples?
  15. Received the glass compass rose today. It's nice but it looks more like acrylic then it does glass.
  16. September 3rd update. Still no response from TnT via email. I have left a message on the phone number I have for them but have not received a call back. If I do J'N'K, I will add your name to the list of people wanting refunds. I'm wondering why Groundspeak still has TnT on the approved vendor list when it is obvious that they have taken money for coins that are 7+ months over due, that are not being minted and ignoring emails from fellow forum users for refunds.
  17. cache_in_hand


    If anyone has extra coins after their event that they want to sell or trade would you please post here? There are a couple I would like to add to my collection. Thanks
  18. Li-Z, that second picture you took is breathtaking and the photo of the shore line is gorgeous! I would like to have them as my screen saver and wallpaper so I could look at them every day.
  19. Has the next recipient received this yet?
  20. 1) 8/31/2009 2) 7:45 am 3) 7lbs. 4.5 oz. 4) 17.5"
  21. Date: August 31, 2009 Time: 8:31 am Weight: 7lbs. 7ozs. Length: 20 inches
  22. I wonder? Does anybody store their collection the old fasioned way.... In caches all around the world?
  23. Aw man there go my chances! Chuck knocked me out at GWVII! You're safe Mark. I have to work so it is Wanna that is signed up to play. But I warn you, she can be a mean poker player.
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