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Everything posted by Omally

  1. Go on, go on, go on, go on, *ad nauseum* One more then... Brendan Behan was the soul of courtesy, but there were times when he could give back as good as he got. Brendan and a friend were emerging from the Long Hall in Dublin during the Christmas season, and Brendan had the misfortune to bump into a lady laden with parcels, the result being to scatter her parcels all over the pavement. Brendan promptly stooped to recover them from among the feet of the passers-by and restore them to her arms, but her ladyship's temper was not satisfied. "I'd have you know," she declared angrily, "that my husband's a detective and, if he was here, he'd take ye!" This was too much for Brendan, who after all had done his best. "Ma'am," said he, "I don't doubt it for a second. If he took you, he'd take anything." "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  2. OK, time to redress the balance a little... An air freight flight flying across the Pacific to Australia was also carrying five passengers: an American, A Frenchman, a German, an Englishman, and an Irishman. They'd almost reached their destination near Australia, when one of the plane's four engines caught on fire. "Don't worry!" said the pilot, as he activated the fire extinguishers and feathered the prop, "this plane was designed to fly on just two engines. We'll be fine!" A little while later, an engine on the other wing coughed and sputtered and stopped. The plane appeared to be slowly losing altitude when the pilot came on the intercom and said: "don't worry men, this plane can still fly on two engines, but we're going to have to lighten the load." The copilot came back into the cabin and opened a rear door. He then directed the five men in helping to jettison the crates that the plane was carrying. Once all the crates were out, he secured the door and went back to the forward cabin. The plane still appeared to be losing altitude. The pilot came back on the intercom and said, "I'm sorry gentlemen, but the plane's still too heavy and I'm going to have to ask some of you to jump out. There are parachutes in a storage cabinet. We are still over the sea, but I will radio ahead and try to have someone send a rescue boat out to get you." The copilot came back to the main cabin, dug out the parachutes from a storage cabinet, stacked them up next to the side door and opened it. The American jumped up, grabbed a parachute, strapped it on, walked to the door, turned to the others and shouted "God Bless America!!!" and jumped out. The copilot called the pilot on the intercom, but the pilot said the plane was still too heavy. The copilot looked at the other four men and told them what the pilot said and raised his eyebrows. The Frenchman stood up, picked up a parachute and strapped it on, walked to the door, turned to the others and said, "Vive La France," and jumped out. The copilot checked again and the pilot said the plane was still too heavy. He turned around and looked at the remaining three men. "I'm sorry guys, but someone else is going to have to jump!" The German sighed and stood up next, strapped on a parachute, strode to the door and yelled "Deutschland Uber Alles," and without looking back, jumped out. The copilot checked with the pilot again only to hear him say they were still too heavy. The copilot looked from the Englishman to the Irishman and said, "Gentlemen, someone else has to go. You have a decision to make. I think one more just might do it!" The Irishman jumped up and said, "Not a problem!" He grabbed the Englishman by the collar, dragged him to the door and threw him out the door without a parachute, and shouted, "Up the Republic!!!" "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  3. quote:Originally posted by Lance Ambu:Try a smaller, more stable country next time What, like the Emerald Isle? O.K., here are some Brenden Behan quotes to tide us over until we can get back to normal... "New York is my Lourdes, where I go for spiritual refreshment . . . . a place where you're least likely to be bitten by a wild goat." "It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody." "I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper, and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer." "I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn't make it worse." And my personal favourite: "Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  4. Pardon me, I had chili for dinner and it keeps repeating on me. "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  5. Hey, no worries Elias: gives us something to talk about! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  6. Stuff missing? I should coco: apart from the top three threads here, take a look at the dates for the other threads... It's been intresting reading up on what folks were planning whilst the Foot 'n' Mouth epidemic was all the rage "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  7. And Mr & Mrs Hedgehog have dropped to zero posts! Ah well, I daresay those in the know know whats going on and I have no doubt that normal service will be resumed soon. "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  8. I still promise to not bring snowballs... "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  9. Today is a bit of a milestone for me: I have been Geocaching for a whole year! To celebrate, I popped out to check that one of my caches is still where it should be after 3 no-finds (don’t worry, it’s safe!). I was going to re-visit my first ever cache and start a new travelbug there, but I got waylaid as above and also didn’t have anything suitable to make into a TB so I’ll just have to go shopping when I get a chance. I was wondering what other people have done to celebrate their “Cacheiversary” (sp?) I suppose I could make a cache out of paper but, due to the inclemency of the English weather, it would soon degrade to Papier Cache!! I’m sorry, I just can’t help it sometimes… "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB [This message was edited by Omally on August 26, 2003 at 03:53 PM.]
  10. This thread needs deleting too! [This message was edited by Omally on August 26, 2003 at 03:27 PM.]
  11. I'm sure you are lovely, under all that facial hair and silly glasses! Just a shame you can't spell your own name... "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  12. Blimey, another one?! Only kidding! Good going guys, well done! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  13. Wow! It must have felt so good when you got your dog back! I grew up with Beagles which, as you may know, love to disappear on a scent, sometimes for a day and a half! OK so we don't really get dangerous animals in the UK (humans excepted ) but to be without your dog for that long, well I have an inkling of what you guys went through. As for burrs, I can only suggest good old-fashioned patience, as recommended here. Happy grooming!! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  14. "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  15. You could check out some of the caches mentioned in this thread. "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  16. That's 500 caches, in other words! Very well done Andy, excellent effort! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  17. Hi guys! I'm trying to complete the Where's in a Name cache and I need some help: My user-name translates into Nxx xx.xxx W066 25.59x, so would anyone care to visit D-Mountain which is only half a mile away from where you would need to take a picture of your GPS... (see the WIAN cache page for detailed explanation!). If anyone would be able to help me out here by logging both of these caches for themselves I'd be extremely grateful! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  18. ... by beating me to Baddesley Common this morning! I can see I'll have to get up earlier in future! Well done, and welcome to the latest member of the "exclusive" centurion club! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  19. quote:Originally posted by Lance Ambu: Hey! I don't mind a joke - but don't keep dragging up the past before the scars have healed. Sorry, I forgot you were allergic to cats (or Kats... ) "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  20. quote:Originally posted by Lance Ambu:...It must be a cuckoo clock Steps back and waits for irish jokes You asked for it... Well, Murphy was staggering home trying to plan his entry, his excuse and his drunk condition. Quietly, ever so gently, he eased open the front door and tiptoed into the hall. He was just in the process of removing his shoes when it happened. The cuckoo clock came to life and out popped the pesky creature cuckooing three times for three o'clock. 'What to do?' thought Murphy. Then all of a sudden - inspiration. 'I'll cuckoo another nine times and if she's awake she'll think it's only midnight!' So that's what our hero did. It worked. No reaction from the missus. All was calm as he slipped quietly into bed. But next morning brought a different picture. As Murphy's head thumped its way back into the world from the oblivion of the night, the bedroom door swung ominously open. There stood the good lady hands on hips - steely-eyed. 'And what time did you get in last night, dear?' she asked. 'Quite late, about midnight I think, love,' said Murphy. 'Well, when you get up I want you to have a look at that clock in the hall. Only last night, at midnight, the strangest thing happened. The clock cuckooed three times, then it farted, belched, kicked the cat up the ar$e and then cuckooed nine more times!' "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  21. Good stuff, keep it up! "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  22. quote:Originally posted by Krazy Kats:
  23. quote:Originally posted by Pharisee:[ Now... can we all get back to doing what we do best? Err... I'll re-phrase that... can we all get back to caching? I'll drink to that... "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
  24. And #18 is Michael + chum from Dutch Courage... "Woof" quoth he. Oh, and "Grrr" also. Omally Member of the GAGB
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