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Everything posted by PengoFamily

  1. He'll Never Love You (Like I Do) - Freddie Jackson ...okay it may be a tad mushy. lol
  2. how's about; Throw a blanket over the sun - Shannon Wright She's from Atlanta, Georgia....I can't find any others. This is tough but lots fo fun!!
  3. a llama farm with llama bean fertilizer??
  4. Mason County Courthouse, Ludington, MI...there is a sculpture on the front, looks like a face and the nose has fallen off?? I think that could be humorous to see?
  5. I don't know the coins showing the bird with the globe. Is this an owl? If so: can you tell me more about this coin? The bottom coin is a snow owl with a moon. It is the Quebec Geocaching Association's new coin for 2008. It is currently only available for sale to residents of Quebec. They will be for sale at a geocoin event that Moustik and I are holding in October so if anyone wants to travel.....
  6. You are the Sunshine of my Life by Stevie Wonder
  7. We got our caching name from our love of penguins. We have a collection of penguin stuff around our house. Christmas in our house displays the most penguins. But we have them all year round. My pet name for my hubby is 'honey Pengo'. So when we signed up on gc it just made sense to have the caching handle PengoFamily.
  8. I know of another mint. I do not know how reliable they are as I have never gone directly to the mint myself. It is Bonjet. Good luck!
  9. I would love to trade for the purple talisman coin of tsun's please. And no, I have no Quebec owl coins. Thanks!
  10. I am looking for the following pathtag (and any others that you may have lying around). Perhaps you found this one in a cache a while back or others and you don't want them?? Then email me please.
  11. What are those bottom 2 coins?? They are sooo cute!
  12. Very nice! I really like it!! Congrats on a beautiful design Naomi and Mike!
  13. That seems strange, unless the activation code is the same for all coins. If it were, then that's wise. Yes, the activation code is the same for all the volunteer 2008 coins.
  14. Island summer resident and philanthropist John D. Rockefeller, Jr., donated over 11,000 acres, more than one third of its present total area, to the park. In fact, the park is comprised entirely of land donated by private individuals.
  15. he park was established as Sieur des Monts National Monument in 1916 by President Woodrow Wilson, and by congress as Lafayette National Park in 1919, the first national park east of the Mississippi River. It was renamed Acadia National Park in 1929.
  16. Preservation of a large portion of the island as a national park is due in large part to the efforts of one of these residents, wealthy Bostonian George B. Dorr, who from 1901 and for most of his life devoted considerable energy and much of his family fortune to the establishment of the park and acquisition of lands for it. He also served as the park's first superintendent.
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