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Everything posted by ivormo

  1. Having now been in Franc for a few days (near Geneva), and with wi-fi where I am staying, I have found it working very well to save caches to my iphone for offline use. With data roaming turned off, I ams till able to then find the caches without problem and much easier than with the GPS and OSM map. Not sure now why I bought the GPS!
  2. I have an Oregon 600 and must admit that I'm struggling with additional maps at present. I have downloaded the section of France that I shall be travelling and the micro SD indicates that there is 1.57 GB used on it, but the map is not listed on the map configuration and I can't see whether the map that I want is there or not. Beginning to wonder whether I should just avoid any caching while I'm there though it seems a wasted opportunity. Similarly I have "sent" a number of French caches to my GPS from the Geocaching map, it confirms that they have been saved but they are not listed on the GPS caches.
  3. Now just need to figure out how to use it
  4. Are you sure it's not a micro SD? A really tiny SD card that will fit in your GPSr, or phone, but it comes with an adapter to normal sized. Maybe it's in the adapter-or is it a small one and you need a big one? You are correct - I've subsequently discovered it hiding away in the adapter. Have to admit that when I saw the standard SD card with contacts etc., I didn't realise the micro was inside. Oh the joys of getting old!
  5. Thank you for all the advice. As a result of this, I have decided to bite the bullet and buy a GPS. Unfortunately, the Garmin that I have purchased is supplied with an OS map on an SD card that doesn't fit the unit - very clever, I don't think!!
  6. I am quite new to Geocaching and use my iphone5 as my GPS. I haven't the faintest idea what it uses to contact Geocaching.com for cache info etc but presume it is through my service provider (EE) when in UK. I shall be heading to France next week and am wondering whether this means that I shall be charged as roving by my provider that is likely to cost a fortune! Am I correct? If so, is it possible to download cache details in the area I shall be visiting while in UK and then rely on the phone GPS to track them - or will I need to purchase a hand-held GPS? Any advice will be appreciated.
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