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Everything posted by earthrooster

  1. I have a green glow in the dark. I'd love to trade with you. I'll be home in a week or two (schedule is changing almost daily right now).
  2. Tell me about it! I just hope I can get in on V2 (my work schedule is going to go haywire Friday morning)
  3. 1. Participating - check! 2. Received Name - check! 3. Mission Complete - check! 4. Santa Arrived - YES! What a great SS package! I had someone at home open it for me and tell me what was inside... wow! SS, you outdid yourself! I got a cool Christmas geocoin (2005 Caching in a Winter Wonderland) Earth Turtle coin The 2006 British Columbia coin I've really been wanting and a Rubicon Brothers coin (totally cool since I be lovin' my Jeep! -and my Life Is Good ball cap, lol ) Not to mention the candy... mmmmmm, chocolate! Man, I hope my, urm, recipient is as happy... some of the Secret Santas really make me feel a little inadequate Thank You, Secret Santa!
  4. I agree with TokyoBlossom... knowing who sent the package wouldn't ruin it for me either
  5. 1. Participating - check! 2. Received Name - check! 3. Mission Complete - Just put it in the mail
  6. Woot! I finally got my package together to put in the mail on Monday. Whew! Hopefully I got 'em something he'll like Now... back to waiting patiently for Santa...
  7. I have to agree... I'm getting a little excited, lol
  8. Well, add me to the list of the unhappy. I can't get through to these people (socalgeocoins.com) via email and I'm beyond the 45 day limit to dispute through PayPal. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  9. So, I'm sitting in Fargo, ND in my hotel room and looking out my window at the snow... Researching a bit more to ready my Secret Santa package... Checking lists for a couple of pending trades... I found a cache earlier this morning (wanted to drop a TB headed for Minnesota before the snow got any deeper)... Ya know, I love snow and it's great out there right now Too bad I have to load up tomorrow and head for Waverly, Iowa. Maybe it'll be snowing there too Anybody in Fargo?
  10. This was a great story! Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations. And thanks again to CCC for my own little coin. I really like this guy! And I identify with Nurse Nanna... I love to laugh and joke so I especially love this coin for that. Congrats again, NN!
  11. I missed the first two so I'm looking forward to a chacne at this one
  12. I have one of these and it's definitely one of my favorites! Beautiful, absolutely beautiful
  13. I placed an order today myself. Very good looking coin! I'm looking forward to seeing it
  14. 1. Participating - check! 2. Received Name - check! 3. Mission Complete - almost... I have a few things together... researching to add a bit more if I can... 4. Santa Arrived - dunno, I'm not at home (and won't be until the 24th) I must wait patiently
  15. Great ladies! I finally got a look at them today (I'm going through all the packages that came in while I was out of town). Fantastic! I'm especially glad I ordered the gold redhead (my girlfriend is a red head, I had to!) That coin is gorgeous!
  16. I'm finally going through all the coins that came in while I was on the road (Oct 6- Nov 19). I really like this guy (#49)! What a kick
  17. Great coins and a very worthy cause. I'm bidding...
  18. I haven't been on the forums very long (and sometimes have little time to post, or nothing new to contribute)... I have participated in 3 trades recently (1 for 1 as well as multiples). So far everything has gone just fine. I'm ashamed to admit that I've had very little time lately and have 2 or 3 emails requesting trades that I haven't had time to research. I'll get to them by Thursday evening, I promise!
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