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Everything posted by Jeff721

  1. I don't know if it me... But I find Mapsource not the best ally when creating POIs. How do you manage to create POI, categorize them and make them available to a simple "find" then "Fuel Svc."??? I really like my new GPSMAP 60CSx, it is an excellent GPS. I am only dissapointed with the POIs and the "find" function on the 60CSx. It is sad that you can't add your own POIs and then incorporate them as default ones within the already existing one with MetroGuide Canada.
  2. Good day to all, As I'm reading few posts here, it seems like everyone is not too enthusiastic with custom POIs and Garmin products. I, for myself, is one of those. I bought a new GPASMAP 60 CSx and wanted to add custom POIs for the Ottawa region like bars, gaz stations, restaurants, hotels... Then after spending few hours manualy cleaning my csv files, I was finally ready to upload my POI to my unit. To my big dissapointment, I could only figure out that NONE of my custom POI was searchable nor graphically mapped on my mapsource product. I was very dissapointed of my findings... Now, I would like to know if there is any GOOD grapical software to create new POIs, add them, edit them or manage them. I would like to be able to categorize them too like all existing POIs on Mapsource i.e. gas, school, bars, etc. Thanks for the help!
  3. Thanks! It does work fine! Finally, I got rid of my POIs... Tks again!
  4. Thanks! Unfortunately, this reset does not erase my downloaded maps and custom POI. Is there a way to erase those too or perform a HARD reset? Thanks.
  5. Good day, I'd like to know how can I reset my GPSMAP 60 CSX to factory default. I've been searching everywhere and cannot find the answer. Thanks.
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