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Posts posted by 4kidssearch

  1. Ich cache, weil ich draußen interessante Caches und interessante Orte finden möchte. Was interessant ist, ist natürlich auch Geschmackssache.


    Koords sollten zwar gut eingemessen sein, aber ein bißchen suchen gehört eben auch zum Cachen.

    Caches an vermüllten, dreckigen Orten und schlecht gewartete Caches halte ich für qualitativ schlecht.

    Sicher lassen sich größere Cachebehälter schicker gestalten, doch gerade im städtischen Bereich ist das oft nicht umzusetzen.

    Fehlende oder über Wochen und Monate volle Logbücher sind ein Problem, hier sollte eine Lösung gefunden werden.


    Ich stelle aber fest, dass immer mehr Msyteries und Multis gelegt werde, wohl auch in der Annahme der COs, dass dies '' bessere'' Caches sein.  Das halte ich nicht für eine gute Entwicklung. Ich wünsche mir gute Tradis!  Mysteries, bei denen ich Stunden oder Tage zu Hause recherchieren muss, erfüllen für mich nicht das Kriterium eines guten Caches, denn ich will die Cacheerfahrung draußen vor Ort. Auch Multis mit zig Stationen, die nicht interessant sind, stellen keine guten Caches dar; doch knackige Kurzmulltis an interessanten Orten sind klasse.




  2. Well I am no ttalking about a needs maintenance LOG but a needs maintenance attribute listed bey the owner for his cache under attributes.


    Well,I'm not a newbie cacher but I now first came across an attribute that I don't understand.

    It's a white cross on a red square and the word to describe it is needs maintenace.

    What does that mean as an attribute??

    Usually needs maintenance is used to tell the owner there is something wrong with his cache.

    4kidssearch :blink:


    Another cacher has posted a Needs Maintenance log.


    The site adds the attribute, as many cachers using Pocket Queries filter out caches with the attribute. :)


    Cache owner has to post an Owner Maintenance log, after doing the maintenance, to remove the attribute.

  3. Well,I'm not a newbie cacher but I now first came across an attribute that I don't understand.

    It's a white cross on a red square and the word to describe it is needs maintenace.

    What does that mean as an attribute??

    Usually needs maintenance is used to tell the owner there is something wrong with his cache.

    4kidssearch :blink:

  4. Hello,

    I just want to give feedback to the pages of geocaching.com

    I really don't like the pages at all now after using them for a while.

    They are very unhandy and take longer to find caches than before with the old pages.

    Two things that are really bad:


    when you start the page there are ALWAYS preselected caches shown and I need several clicks to see ALL caches what I prefer. Why isn't the setup the other way around: people that want selections can set their preferences that way. I don't want this and it's time consuming and enerving to have to click through the pages especially using mobile devices on the way.


    The list of the preselected caches has changes to a very 'unorderly' appearance that takes up lots of space and thus is not handy. The former compact display was much mor useful. So I don't use this feature at all any more.

    It's the same as with point 1. Especailly on the go outdoors with mobile devices it's often difficult to display so much unneeded information.


    It' s too bad that the really good pages have changed to so negative.

    I hope this will be revised.

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