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The Buzzard's

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Posts posted by The Buzzard's

  1. Yes, even I was in the US Army from '85 to '89 in Germany & Georgia...Proud to say that I was part of the 3rd ID at Ft. Stewart as part of the MLRS unit. I still wish I was there in Iraq with my old unit too! We need to clear that country of the mines, so it'll be safer for any cachers to hide some there and for all the people who are finally able to check out the history of the country and find a few caches along the way...


    The Buzzard's: ZiggyStardust

  2. Well, with the Fox Hunt on the 19th and the Poe Valley Clean-up on the 26th of this month, maybe I'll put off the picnic until sometime later in the summer. Unless some cachers decide at those two events that they would be interested in attending another one during the holiday weekend. Any questions or ideas, please contact me.


    The Buzzard's: ZiggyStardust

  3. Well, the only problem with larger Travel Bugs, is that they won't fit in some of the smaller caches. I've have 16 TB's and most of them are a bit larger than many I've seen, although they don't seem to have problem finding places to visit. My AmericanHero series of stuffed bears are about 8 inches high and the 7 dwarfs that I have are all about 6 inches high. I also have small ones, like keychains w/TB's on them, so I wouldn't worry too much about size. Plus, when they are larger they are harder to lose.


    The Buzzard's: ZiggyStardust

  4. Cool! I noticed a bunch of people that actually seen stuff on tv or in magazines about caching. I actually have a friend that has been doing it since the summer of 2001 and I went along with him a couple times and really had fun. Then last year I decided to buy my own GPSr after listening to a few of my friends bragging about their finds at a party and going on a few more with them. I went out and bought mine last August and have been hooked ever since. I have notebooks with all of the caches listed in them by counties and keep it updated all the time. Now that the weather is breaking and I have the listings for a 100 mile radius, we're planning on having a long pleasant summer searching high and low throughout the region for finds and placing a few ourselves along the way. Look for some of our original wooden caches over the next few months, which are being constructed now.

    The Buzzard's: ZiggyStardust

  5. As I am a hunter, hiker and mountain biker in the state, the reason for the no mountain bikes and horseback riding in the SGL's during hunting season should have been the rule for years. I'm not against them at any other time of year, but not during hunting season. The reason for this, is that there are too many riding through the gamelands yelling at eachother, disturbing the hunters and the game. Then there are some of them that decide to be even more ignorant while they are there. I don't understand some of the complaints against the new regulations, but I'm sure there are a few minor ones that should be looked into.

    I also don't see where placing caches in the SGL's are going to be problems with anyone, unless someone makes it widely known to the game wardens. There are tons of places on SGL's that make for some of the most challenging finds and I know of a few places that we're planning on placing them over the course of the summer.

  6. I will be staying at Lake Raystown Resort from May 23rd through the 30th. I was thinking of having a local gathering of everyone in this part of the state on the 24th, which is the Saturday before Memorial Day. Is there anyone else in the area that would be interested in getting together for a picnic and see if everyone would be interested in forming a local organization.

    I would like to hold it at the WildRiver Waterpark at the resort, so everyone can enjoy the park. I am willing to send anyone more information about the waterpark if you are interested in getting together. As of this time, there is only one cache within 30 miles, but there are definitely plenty of places to put them nearby. If anyone has anymore ideas, please leave a reply!!! icon_cool.gificon_razz.giffrog.gif

  7. Placing cards in caches is good way of keeping cachers reminded of the event and you can have people remove them from the caches and place them either in caches that are close to you after the event is over. Other than that, they just become part of a cache, so I don't see any harm in their placement. icon_cool.gif

    I've been thinking of having an event on the Saturday before Memorial Day at Lake Raystown, since most of us Buzzard's are going to be there. We have also been talking to a couple of other local cachers about it. Does this appeal to you? I'll probably be posting the location and other info on the Northeast forum soon.


    The Buzzard's: Ziggy Stardust

  8. Cool, I've been thinking about releasing another TB that I would like for it to hit all of the locations I've been to throughout Europe and the middle east while I was in the Army. Hope it has the same luck as yours... frog.gificon_biggrin.giffrog.gif

  9. quote:
    Originally posted by cache chasers:

    LOL I don' thave the time to sit and read 38 posts...so give me the scoop on what I have to do to place a cache in a state park. I would like to place one ASAP in Shawnee State Park, Schellsburg, PA


    If you place a cache in Shawnee State Park, make sure that it's location isn't too close to the existing one!

  10. Scout, I know you're in luxembourg, but where were you able to find the "grids"? Were they through the Boy Scout catalog? Does anyone else know where I could find them? I use to love doing orienteering and all the scout things. This would make finding the easy caches a lot more challenging and fun...


    The Buzzard's

  11. I will warn you now about placing caches in caves. The National Speleological Society, checks all the time for cave caches and if you place one in a cave that is under their authority, they will cause you major headaches and possibly legal ones at that. I know this from experience, I had a cave cache last year and they threatened to have me arrested. The sad part was that the cache wasn't hurting anything in anyway, they are just totally against doing anything in their caves unless you are a paying member and sometimes that doesn't matter. Although you can go to their website and find many of them listed as open to the public!!! icon_mad.gif

  12. We started to use the spare key containers for boats. Found them at a few different surplus stores for about $0.50 each. They make nice mini-caches, but are slightly larger than a micro at 6" long and 3 1/2" in diameter with a nylon rope on them to secure them on a tree branch if desired. I've seen them in different colors, so we usually just go over them with black, green and brown permanent markers to camoflauge them better. icon_eek.gif


    After all the time I spent in the military, I never even thought about using the decon containers. Another good one would be the ear plug containers, that are almost the same size as the film containers, but they have the chain to hang them up if wanted. icon_biggrin.gif


    The Buzzard's

  13. Last summer we found 2 tickets to a Penn State football game, which are pretty expensive...The funny part was that it was in a mini-cache and it was found the day before someone placed a single ticket for the same game in one of our caches. My niece also found a 193? silver dollar in a cache, which I was told was worth a nice bit of change too. I also know of someone that is going to be placing an old Rolex watch in a cache this summer, once they are able to place a really hard to find cache. Yes, it's actually real too!!! I'm hoping to be the one that finds it first, but I guess we'll have to check for new caches more than just once a week though. I've never placed anything of that value, but the chances are there, since we like to place instant lottery tickets into some of the caches!!! icon_biggrin.gif

  14. Knowing people enjoy finding our caches is definitely almost as good as finding everyone elses. As much as we don't like placing mini-caches, we've placed a couple and there will be few more within the next couple weeks. We figure it's the best thing to do until we find out how mother nature covers the ground. We don't like placing caches where there is a lot of poison ivy or poison oak, since a couple of us are very allergic to them. This is going to be the first full summer for some of us, so we are planning quite a few new caches, even before Memorial Day gets here.

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