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Everything posted by hatrick_009

  1. Thanks so much to all of you for the great advice and insight! I'll be sure to post after our first adventure this weekend!
  2. Well, personally I am thankful that the news ran a 1 minute overview of it, or I would never have learned about it, being from the small town that I'm in. I can't imagine a huge epidemic of people getting interested over the short newscast that I saw... it would take someone with just the right type of personal interest to pursue it, like me and my family. If that newscast recruited 20 new cachers in our local area, I'd be seriously surprised. Geeesh... now I feel like I intruded on a secret club or something!
  3. Funny that I saw this thread, because I just learned of Geocaching myself, and I want to know WHY nobody told me about this sooner! We live in an ultra-small town, and I found that there are at least four caches within 10 miles of my home! How is that fair??? All of these people are having this fun without us? We haven't even been on our first hunt yet, but are planning it for this weekend. I have already turned one of my good friends on to it, and she is registering as I type this. We are thinking of taking all of our kids together on a cross-country geocaching road trip this summer! So yeah, I'm telling. They all think I'm strange already, and this'll probably just add to it, but as if we care!
  4. I saw a 45 second blurb on the local news about geocaching this past weekend, and we are hooked! I've been on the web ever since, planning, reading and plotting! I ordered a beginner GPS unit and it'll arrive tomorrow. We have a full weekend of paintballing and geocaching planned. Our sons are 15, 14, 9, 7 and 7. We'll have only one GPS unit to start out with, until we get the hang of this and decide if we want/need more. Does anyone have any words of advice to offer us as we go on our first hunt this Sunday? Other than GOOD LUCK WITH ALL OF THOSE BOYS!!!
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