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Donald, Daisy and Kids

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Everything posted by Donald, Daisy and Kids

  1. Motion seconded!!! We regularly receive 3-4 emails from watched caches or bugs, more so our own caches and bugs. That is stupid and I thought that it was just us or our settings, but we just tolerated it because we didnt know what we could do to stop getting so many of the same message. Now we know it isnt just us, we are much happier, and waiting in hope of something being done to alter that situation!
  2. Providing your proposed cache didnt take more than about 4 hours and there wasnt a load of other caches in the area. But also, when we travel to an area we like to hit as many caches as we can, we usually dont bother with puzzle caches as they usually consume too much time. We often travel a few hundred Km from home, and hit a specific area. Last year I had the opportunity to travelled 1500Km from home to visit my grandparents and managed to go and hit 10 caches with both my 80+ yo grandparents. They loved it, going from one to another, We left at daylight and even took stuff and had a Barbeque lunch, and got home just after dark!
  3. Micros come in various shapes and sizes, We find that the best bet is to look in the spot where you think that you would most likely hide a micro cache. Our first few were very difficult, even multiple attempts too, but we found them in the end, several visits later. You will either like them or hate and despise them.......
  4. Yeah? Really? The sextent is coming to a college near me soon? Will it have college girls? If so then Im definitely interested!
  5. The use of CAPITALS is considered SHOUTING. The only method to change your name is to open a new account and then you can re-log the finds to your new account. I am not sure why this site doesnt allow name changes, they previously did, and only closed that feature down in the last 12 mths. I have seen loads of threads posted asking exactly the same thing, and I was even one of them who asked the same question!
  6. You will need to ensure that all maps you want installed are uploaded at the same time. I found out the hard way because I didnt read the manual...... and then wondered why when I had just uploaded OZtopo, and discovered that it was wiped out when I uploaded T4Apro. A few weeks later I was reading the manual (read: READING THE MANUAL) and discovered that all map databases must be uploaded at the same time. So now I have them both selectable (or de-selectable) and I can also have both working at the same time. I did actually run 3 map databases for a while and they were done the same way (Uploading all at the same time). Enjoy!~
  7. And very important, something I just figured out today when I was sure there must be a way to do it: press and hold the joystick switch to mark your current location. Until today (about 3 weeks or so), I've been going to the main menu, then selecting mark. This is a lot easier. The best thing I can say is to read the manual, absorb what you can, and then just play around, dont be scared to try things out, you cont break it (if I cant break it then Im sure its pretty safe) The owners manual tells you how to mark your current location (press and hold Joystick down for a few secs) Anyway, just try it out, there is some pretty cool features!
  8. I suspect that you are downloading the points into your GPSr, and that the unit you are currently using is actually wrong. Your GPSr will whch automatically convert the co'ords for the starting location. I had the same with some waypoints that I loaded to my GPSr that were taken from the surveyor for the locations of some geotechnical soil tests that we were required to take at specific locations for a new road that was to be laid for a new and very large rural estate. Ok, Are you entering the co'ords that are supplied in the correct format? Is your GPSr set to the same format? are the co'ords shown like this: S 24.51.826 E 152.21.431 or like this UTM: 56J E 435061 N 7249983 There are loads of different formats that your GPSr can be set to and I suspect that you have it set to the wrong format. In etrex setup you can select and check the following: "SETUP", "UNITS", Select "POSTITION FORMAT": select the relevant position format (either, hddd°mm.mmm' or UTM UPS) Now exit from the settings by using the "BACK" key. Now input the co'ords and go MULTI caching. Please let us know if this helped.
  9. First, welcome to the world of geocaching. It is either addictive or it isnt. We have been using the VISTA CX for about 12 mths now, and It is certainly a capable little unit. We have several mounts which enables the use on our motorcycle, bicycle, in the car, walking etc etc. It is an awesome all round'er and has many good features. The only known issues are with the rubber surround that has the butons (such as the power button, and zoom buttons), and it sometimes doesnt stick properly, especially in the heat and humidity of Australia. Garmin is aware of this problem and will fix it under warranty if you can wait 2-3 weeks. I got sick and tired of waiting and cotacted garmin, they posted me a box which contained 2 spare rubbers and adhesive strips , and told me that they would uphold my warranty providing I followed their instructions which they also emailed to me. Now if only they would do a software update which would add the ability to save extra waypoints (and with a larger character capacity for the waypoints info) to the transflash/micro SD card because 500 just isnt enough. It would be great to be able to store text such as the cache hint. Rant over! Enjoy!
  10. The last line was quite prescient, but I doubt even he realized how many thousands would be placed. I agree with the statement that cache logs should include TIME, not just date. When you get to a cache and someone was there just before you, it is nice to know if you missed them by minutes or hours, not just days. When we log a cache we almost always put the time on both logs (online and in the cache notebook) but we have noticed that the vast majority dont do this.
  11. Hi all, thanks for your replies. vinny and sue team, A couple of things in relation to your reply. Nothing should be alarming about my post, I did NOT state that the bug being missing was a reason alone to contact the owner, however the combination of things IS a reason to contact them. If we attend a cache and there is no bugs, and the logs all indicate that there was one but it is missing, and it still shows in the log, then we would personally want to know why it is stil shown as being there...., and if it was stolen, muggles found it, the owner took it to move it on etc etc, and if we also check the trackable item's log and it hasnt moved in many months then it is even more reason to question it. You supplied reasons as to why a coin can go missing etc, and we have also seen and experienced some of these reasons, however, if a coin is droped into the wrong cache, it still shows up in that cache, and then if someone else finds it and logs it it dissappears from that cache..... We curently own only one cache, but if a coin was missing then we would log it as such. The issues regarding the cache GCBB78 Bundy Views are: 1. That the container has been stolen/vanished, 2. Has been replaced with another temporary container by a visitor to the cache, 3. The owner does not respond to the cache and or needs maintenance logs that it has problems, 4. The cache owner does not even respond to emails via their profile, 5. The replacement cache is located at different co'ords to those published and unless you read the logs you wont know, 6. The cache seems to have no owner who can perform maintenance And in regards to the other cache, GCK1GR Kangaroo Picnic, you may or may not be aware that the large majority of Australia is currently under drought conditions, so you wont see too many "wet" logs, however, if you had read the logs you would have noted as recently as march 24 2007 (under 30 days ago) there was the following note: "Took cache down to the beach to spread contents out in an attempt to dry as the container had a considerable amount of water in it. The trinkets dried quickly and the new log was only slightly damp, but the old log is just about beyond hope unless owner does a major operation on it." which would still indicate that it is in a bad way.... and again, we thought that the ability to maintain a cache was a condition of its listing? in the past 12 mths some areas of australia have seen well over 500mm of rain in ONE DAY. and if we find a cache in a bad way, we also empty the water as best as possible, dry everything a bit where possible, sign the log and go on our way, however we also use the "needs maintenance" log on the site, so that the owner or maintainer can address the situation. If everyone who found a cache half full of water because hte container was damaged, reported it as needs maintenance then you wouldnt find too many wet logs, or damaged cache items. Also, we personally know of, and have met heaps of cachers who dont even know how to log a "needs maintenance".......
  12. Hi, if there is a problem with a cache that is ongoing, and hasnt been fixed, who do you report it to?? How do you contact the cache reviewer in your area? How do you know who the reviewer is?? the cache i am interested in is GCBB78 Bundy Views and its inventory states that it has the "Lady Bug Celebrating Friendship" Travel Bug, but it is missing, not been in that cache for ages (many months) and the TB hasnt been logged. I have contacted the owner several times (nicely) to say that there was a problem with the cache container, the missing TB, and now the cache was recently totally wrecked, but he never replies, and the cache is still marked as needing attention. There is also a problem with another cache: GCK1GR Kangaroo Picnic, and much as we would love to, it is just too far off the beaten track to warrant making a special trip to repair it. I thought that the ability to maintain a cache was a condition of its listing, and I also thought that if it was attributed as needing attention then TPTB would monitor its state of repair?
  13. I dont have a problem as such with logging finds a few days later, but a real problem is that if you log TB's or coins a few days later, someone may have already picked them up and logged them as "grabbed from somewhere else" which seems to make the tracking a little more difficult. I recently experienced that one of out TB's that had been logged as left in a cache, was grabbed and taken somewhere else and had not had the chance to log it before someone else grabbed it and logged it as "grabbed from somewhere else", so I then had to log that I had grabbed it, then posted a note to the cache where it had not been logged to, and "dropped" it, then had to go back to the log for our TB and move it back to the last location (which was the person who has it now)... It meant that a long process was required, it took me over 45 minutes just to work out how to do this as there was no information on how to do this in any of the TB information I found, and during doing this "virtual movement" I had 2 experiences with "server not responding" errors, which added a further 25 mins to the process, so for one missing peice in the track of our TB it took just over 1hr and 10 mins to fix.......... Imagine if you had 10 travellers logs to "fix".
  14. If you read the logs you can see that from 7 November 2006 the logs indicate that the container is damaged, and the cache is waterlogged, and again on 19 Nov again, that the cache is wet (indication of needing attention). On December 11 the cache reviewer put a temporary stop on your cache to enable you to attend to it, because nobody likes to find a wet cache, and damaged contents. On march 27 2007 the cache reviewer felt that since the logs still indicated that the cache was not repaired or replaced, that they would archive your cache to stop people seeing it in searches....... It is quite simple really to have it re-instated, all you need to do is to go to the cache (or have someone else go) and replace the cache and the contents, leave it in the same location, and then post a note to the reviewer of caches in your area by going to your online cache page, use the "post a log" and then select the "post a note to the reviewer" option, to tell them that you have replaced the container and contents, and that the cache is now back up and running again. Soon after, the cache reviewer should re-instate your cache, you DO NOT need to rename or re-post the cache details to the site etc. Regards,
  15. We carry our gear in a small esky. It serves a dual purpose, we just look like we are going for a few drinks, but we have spare batterys, cache info, swaps etc etc in there and nobody thinks its abnormal because we dont look like we are "all kitted up" in something that doesnt really suit the location (Ie:beach, wearing a large vest with pockets etc)
  16. We received an owner log to state that the bug had been grabbed after it was found in a different cache to the one it was looged as being in. We looked at that cache to see if there was any indication "who" droped it there, but unfortunately, there was nothing in the logs for that cache to indicate who had picked it up and droped it there. Its last activity was on 23 Jan 2007 when it was last placed, then the 26th Mar 2007 when it was logged as being "grabbed from" the different cache. So that narrows its movements down to a period of 9 weeks, but with no log still, I have been trying to work out how I can keep its tracking consistent with its movements. I thought that if I grabbed it and logged it into the cache it was found in, it may muck the system up and show it as being in my posession?? Not sure....
  17. Im having problems with it too....... Searched the forums, cant seem to find anything relevant........
  18. The site is so fast now it is almost smokin..........
  19. Thankyou to the theam at Groundspeak for addressing the problems with server overloading. I experienced no problems at any stage this weekend. THANKS!
  20. I can access the forums easily and fast but cant get a single page to load in the actual cache site. It comes back "server too busy" or just doesnt come back at all........... I been trying since 6am today Monday 2nd April 07 (GMT +10)
  21. I was wondering if it is possible to correct the tracking of a TB (or GC) when they are found in another cache and were not logged at the previous cache. I thought I could just post a note for the cache it was previously in, but as I dont have it in my possession I cant leave it.... I tried the "move to last location" option but it diddnt do anything, obviously because it wasnt actually logged as being at that location.. Any help please? thanks. Donald
  22. Is this because you: have ran out of waypoints in the GPS, no longer have a GPS, dont want to cache anymore?? You can always ask on the forums for specific info on how to make more room on your GPS to accept more caches.
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