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Everything posted by HHL

  1. no. it’s actually version 2.2.1. happy hunnting.
  2. alphabetical order is pretty useless when searching for the most outdated pqs. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  3. it works with safari too. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  4. enhancement request: let us put the corridor’s size as a free value and we get what everybody wants: rectangle pqs. (ie a horicontal or vertical route containing only two points) that would reduce circle overlapping a lot and saves numbers of pqs. Happy hunting from hamburg – the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  5. HHL


    add "&dist=100" without quotes to your nearest search url and you'll be up with some 60+ caches again. happy hunting. edit: typo and grammar
  6. Happy hunting – the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  7. coord translation Happy hunting from HCT, hamburg – the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  8. If you're on the Search page, you're halfway there. Once you've got a list of caches centered on the point you're after, see if there's any other way to represent that information that might rely on lat/long. dave hihi. got it: search by zip –> click the mapit button -> the new generated url will show lat/lon associated with your zip. Happy hunting – the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  9. nice try. but your online cristal bowl is part away from what it really means. "one cross each" happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  10. i guess the mods are quite well educated to akt not in your enquired way. happy hunting from hamburg - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear) edit: typo
  11. mein gott ist mir schlecht. ich habe wirklich selten soviel müll auf einem haufen gepostet gesehen. auf diese art bushism können wir gerne verzichten. erfreulich ist, daß es wohl noch den einen oder anderen netten ami gibt. jungs, kopf hoch. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  12. I'll pre-order a dozen of those! BTW, are these trackable? definitely yes. track them on: www.smart-aleck.net happy hunting.
  13. sie haben es geschafft. herzlichen glückwunsch vom HCT, hamburg. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  14. it would be nice to have a count reflecting the sum of pqs: Happy hunting – the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  15. HHL

    Pq Not Showing Events

    april fool’s events never appear in pqs. ;-) happy hunting.
  16. it’s a new appearing bug in firmware 2.62 beta. 2.6 still showed the custom poi names when moving the rocker towards the point. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  17. moin, moin. try MacCMConvert. happy hunting form hamburg,germany.
  18. no. poi loader creates databases named like your csv-files. nearest search on the gpsr shows all databases first. hit menu and you'll be able searching the dedicated databases. happy hunting from hamburg.
  19. HHL

    Locked Listings?

    what about a locked active listing? seems weired to me. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  20. you’ve to install the Garmin GPS Query/Upload 1.3.3 plugin. after doing so cachemate provides you with an ex-button on the lower right side when in cacheview. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  21. the easiest solution would be to show the pqs number in the pq’s page grid. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  22. pfff. this might help. happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
  23. no need to install. just rename the bmps as i posted before. happy mapping.
  24. from where did you load the custom icons to your gpsr? if it’s: ~my garmin/custom waypoint icons you’re ok. if not: copy them to that directory. duplicate all icons and rename them to 000.bmp, 001.bmp and so on. now mapsource should recognize them. happy mapping. edit: typo
  25. HHL

    Small Text

    another 10 $ if tptb would provide a link to a gpx based zipped spoiler image file happy hunting - the old fashioned way (trads only, exceptions may appear)
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