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Everything posted by HHL

  1. This is my dream: … and this done by the GSAK macro »Garmin Export«:
  2. Der OP hat das in einem anderen Forum erwähnt. Sonst hätte ich nicht dezidiert darauf verwiesen.
  3. Garmin hat sich Mühe gegeben und extra für Leute wie dich ein Handbuch erstellt. Du hast das sogar bezahlt und es ist auf Deutsch. Also lies es einfach mal: Seite 14 http://www8.garmin.c...zerhandbuch.pdf
  4. RT*M on Page 31 upper left. The following steps are self explaining. Edit: Typo
  5. It’s as easy as typing a y: Shift+^ (on a Mac) Frohes Jagen Hans
  6. That’s right. None of the CustomSymbols will work on Oregon 2/3/400 series. Frohes Jagen
  7. Following on. Here are some CustomSymbols which gives you appropiate icons for additional waypoints instead of blue flags. http://dl.dropbox.co...3/Addi_Wpts.zip Frohes Jagen Hans
  8. MapSource itself is able to save as … a GPX file. Another way would be the use of GPSbabel. There is an online GPSbabel version as well: http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/gpsbabel/ Frohes Jagen Hans
  9. Moin Moin, try that site: http://www.historic66.com/california/det-ca1.html They have some interesting downloads (MapSource GDB; MS Autoroute) which will be easily converted to GPX files. Frohes Jagen Hans
  10. They still do. Nüvis just use "favorite" as another wording for waypoint. That said: Favorites and waypoints are the same items with different names. Frohes Jagen Hans
  11. See that posting: http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=17881&st=0entry126662 HTH Frohes Jagen Hans
  12. Solution: Create an additional member account. Member loc-files do not include the new tags. Hth Hans
  13. No, it doesn't. I got 3.9 Gb Maps on SD-card and have a start up time of appr. 12-14 seconds. CAUTION: Avoid having GPX files on the SD-card. If you have them there, the Unit ALWAYS has to parse the gpx files which leads to those long start up times. Gpx files (especially large cache gpx files) should always be copied onto the unit. HTH Hans
  14. Moin NYPaddleCacher, you might have a look inside GSAK’s split screen views (they use OSM maps as well). Or just compare maps online there: http://tools.geofabrik.de/mc/?mt0=googlemap&mt1=mapnik&lon=-76.37373&lat=42.58342&zoom=14 HTH Hans
  15. The Manual: http://www8.garmin.com/manuals/GPSMAP60CSx_OwnersManual.pdf Page 92 Hth Hans
  16. Have a short look on what it might look like: http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry106250 Frohes Jagen Hans
  17. In »map setup« - general (the left tab) set »lock on road« to OFF. Refer your owner’s manual on page 43 for more info. frohes jagen hans
  18. http://www.geocaching.com/my/uploadfieldnotes.aspx
  19. you have to name the bmp file to the same than the replaced waypoint is named. that said: name your smiley bmp to »Geocache Found.bmp« Happy Hunting Hans
  20. have a look there: http://www.frikart.no/garmin/index.html frohes jagen hans
  21. ditto happy hunting GSAK that’s what i’m actually doing. but i want to keep my pqs clean from a pretty lot of garbage caches. happy hunting hans
  22. pois are loaded with either garmin’s »poi loader«, gpsbabel or other third party software like GSAK. personally i heavily use GSAK for exporting caches to my units. and as extremely smart cache tour plannig and mapping tool. what you want is that: http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=...amp;#entry97225 or better that: http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=...mp;#entry107157 happy hunting hans
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