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Everything posted by MarkKer

  1. Yes. I started Geocaching when it was really new, but stopped due to several reasons about 10 years ago. Restarted last year. I travel a lot on business, so I try to do some caching on those boring weekends which you would otherwise spend in hotels, watching TV. :-)
  2. You must definetly try 'Mines of Moria'. This is one of the greatest caches I've seen. You shouldn't be into numbers if you do this one though. It's a long hike up to the cave and on the way you'll be able to do only one or two more. You'll find some pics of this one in my profile.
  3. In der aktuellen Ausgabe der Allgemeinen Zeitung aus Windhoek ist ein interessanter Artikel zum Thema Geocaching in Namibia. Würde thematisch vermutlich woanders hin passen, aber da die Zeitung deutschsprachig ist, habe ich ihn mal hierher gepackt: http://www.az.com.na/lokales/geocaching-die-moderne-art-der-schnitzeljagd.163695.php
  4. It's not the app that drains the battery, it's the GPS-unit inside the iPhone or iPad. This is normal behaviour will all apps that use GPS permanently. Being an app-developer myself, I checked this thorougly, but there doesn't seem to be any way of getting around this.
  5. Ich habe letztens stundenlang gesucht, war mir sicher, die Stelle zu haben, aber da war nichts, außer etwas Kleinkram, von dem ich dachte, dass er aus einem geplünderten Cache stammen könne. Ich bin dann wieder gegangen und wollte daheim einen DNF posten. Unterwegs habe ich auf die Geocaching-App auf meinem iPhone geschaut und festgestellt, dass da einer Minuten nach mir ein 'Gefunden' geloggt hat. Da wollte ich es dann wissen. ich habe umgedreht, bin zurückgefahren und war eine halbe Stunde später wieder vor Ort. Und, ganz seltsam, diesmal habe ich ihn auf Anhieb gefunden an einer Stelle, die so offensichtlich war, dass ich mich frage, wieso ich da mehrfach vorbeigelaufen bin, ohne dort zu suchen. Kann also auch passieren, dass man wirklich einfach zu dämlich ist...
  6. Na ja, ene Minute ist doch etwas ambitioniert. Herauszufinden, was das ist, ging schnell, da reicht ein Blick. Aber den Text zu lesen, dauert dann schon drei bis vier Minuten. Das ist aber nicht der Originaltext, oder? Spaßig, ist ja richtig alte Schule... Aber verraten wird nichts, dazu ist das zu einfach, da muss man doch drauf kommen... Edit: Tippfehlerkorreturen, schreiben auf dem iPad ist blöd.
  7. Und englischsprachig gibt es das vierteljährlich erscheinende FTF, da steht auch eine Menge drin. Wenn Du ein iPad hast, kannst Du deren App runterladen. Es gibt eine App je Jahrgang, wo dann jeweils die vier Hefte eines Jahres zusammengefasst sind. Meines Wissens sind die erhältlich für 2010, 2011 und 2012. Du solltest allerdings schon gut englisch können, um alles zu verstehen.
  8. Well, thanks to Capedoc, I spent a great afternoon in some wonderful locations. When we were done I was dirty as a pig but had thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thanks Colin! I'll be back.
  9. I'm located in Germany and of course I know Dr. Who. So do most of my friends, a lot of which would fall into the category of 'cult followers'. So, lumbricus, I'm afraid you're wrong here. You'd be surprised how many Germans know every episode of Dr. who by heart. Of course with it being a Britsh series, it's better known in the UK, but I guess that's natural. Oh, and David Tennant was by far the best Doctor so far *flame war started*
  10. So if you found a nuclear bomb with a geocaching sticker on it you would feel safe poking around it ? Actually, I found one of these once. :-) Not when I was Geocaching, but rather when I visited the Trinity Site on White Sands Missile Base in NM last October, where the first nuclear bomb in history was ignited. There, they had 'Fat Boy' on display but they said it was just the empty hull as they ignited 'Fat Boy' naked. If you want to see it, it's always on display in the 'Rocket Garden' right behind the main entrance of White Sands. So, I guess you can poke it safely, you might just get in trouble with the guards. :-)
  11. Hi all, I'll be in Cape Town for a short trip from January 13th until January 18th and I'll have a day free on January 17th, possibly the morning of January 18th as well. As this time is rather short, I'd like to make sure I concentrate on the more worthwhile caches. I saw that there are a lot of caches on Table Mountain as well as on Signal Hill road and also on Chapmans Peak Drive. Which of these locations would be the most recommended for caching? I'd be thankful for any hints, of course also for other locations.
  12. Actually, I did give up Geocaching in 2003 and only started again in November 2012. Now I'm back and have logged 19 caches so far, 6 of which I located today. My reasons for stopping then were that I simply didn't have the time anymore, had changed jobs, relocated to a new city, been divorced, had to sort out basically my entire life. I came back to Geocaching last year more by coincidence. For paragliding, I'd bought a Garmin Oregon 550T last summer. When playing around with it I noticed the Geocaching functionalities and thought 'hey, you did this once, many years ago, you might give it a try'. So I registered on Geocaching.com and started again.
  13. Germany isn't exactly small. Which area in Germany are you located?
  14. Luckily, we don't have that issue in Germany. Telephone poles went out of service over 30 years ago. :-)
  15. Not really. It's meant for vehicular navigation, which means that the battery is very limited. From my experience with a Nüvi, you'll only get two to three hours of battery life out of it if it's fully charged. Also, it reacts badly to moisture or being dropped, so it's not really suitable for outdoor use.
  16. Hast Du eine SD-Karte drin? Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass die Karten auf der SD-Karte installiert waren. Beim Einspielen der neuen Karten über MapInstall werden sie aber direkt auf dem Gerät installiert, sodass sie dann doppelt sind. Zumindest war das bei mir schon mal so.
  17. Buy a Garmin. My Oregon 550T works perfectly with my Mac. Why bother with workarounds if Magellan are unwilling to support their products properly?
  18. The Oregon Series is definetly worthwhile looking into. I've got the 550T and I'm really happy with it. You wouldn't need the 'T' for Geocaching, a barometric altitude-sensor is overkill here, but I initially bought it for Paragliding and found it to be more than perfect for Geocaching.
  19. Woher kommt die Info von dieser ominösen 'Steuer'? Ich wüsste nicht, dass da irgendwas fälig ist. Und, wie gesagt, ich habe auch nichts bezahlt. Falls PayPal nicht geht, lass Dir doch von jemandem Premium 'schenken' und gib ihm das Geld in Bar zurück.
  20. I'll just copy ad paste what Iwrote on this topic in a different thread yesterday: Usually, it's an issue with the URL. The plugin is dependent on the URL that was registered for it. What do you see in the url? https://www.geocaching.com or just www.geocaching.com? If you see https://..., that's the issue. Remove the https:// and then hit enter. You should now see only www.geocaching.com and it should work. It seems a though Groundspeak didn't register the https://-URL for the plugin.
  21. Well,that depends mostly on your budget. How much are you willing (or able) to spend?
  22. Also, ich habe mit Kreditkarte nur genau die 30 Dollar gezahlt.
  23. A few weeks ago, in Mexico City, I walked over 30km in one day to pick up a few caches. Basically, if you make it a long hike and it's not too easy, it's much more rewarding for those who do it. Plus, you don't only get log-entries from people who are only after numbers.
  24. Just as a warning to all who think about buying one of these. If you really place it and they find out who you are (and they will, there are geocaching cops out there as well), they'll make you pay for the bomb-squad's visit. And that's anything between five and six digits, depending on whether they evacuate the area before they blow it up.
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