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Everything posted by sseegars

  1. Now where is that Tin Dog of mine?
  2. Sorry Sarge! That page be dead! You can get there from here!
  3. ....and the part that was left out was that he ran like a little girl (no insult to the little girls, I have one myself) and was in the car before he even thought to warn me. LOL (MY little girl wouldn't have run off and left her cache partner.)
  4. "RUN CACHER! Trouble I think!" The owner of this phrase will be along in a moment to explain. Thanks Doc
  5. Personally, I don't call for help unless it's to have someone take a pic on a webcam cache or something of that nature.
  6. I'm sorry, that is an FTF! I have seen a couple that were signed before they were placed cause the person claiming FTF didn't want to go to the extreme of actually going to the cache location. I think this is BS but, it wasn't my cache. Nope! You were the first to find it, LISTED OR NOT, you are FTF! (In my mind anyway.) But I think the ultimate answer and the one you probably don't want to hear, is that it ultimately is the choice of the hider. Doc
  7. http://www.tailofthedragon.com/news_articles2004.html Possibly one of these stories at this link. Googled foothills parkway tennessee accident.
  8. Now maybe, just maybe someone from Groundspeak will give me permission to use that crazy ape logo?
  9. I believe this is what you might be looking for?
  10. Yes this one. The reason I ask is that I would like to use it for a cache hide. If I need permission, who might I ask for it?
  11. I also have a whopping four days in a row. My goal is at least one a day for the next year which I thought was being high minded but now I see that it falls far short of some folk.
  12. WAIT! If you own the land then that guideline is null and void?!?!?
  13. First, your return to shore was not part of our negotiations nor our agreement, so I must do nothin'. And secondly, you must be a cacher for the Cacher's Code to apply, and you're not. And thirdly, the Code is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules. Welcome aboard the Forums, Miss Turner. But seriously: "Caches that are buried. If a shovel, trowel or other “pointy” object is used to dig, whether in order to hide or to find the cache, then it is not appropriate." Can't be more clear than that.
  14. How about starting with magnetic hide a key caches hidden on guardrails less than 5 feet from the road?
  15. Oh! You've been to that one as well, have you? Caches like that "drive" me crazy!
  16. Finally received my order of pathtags and have alot to mail out! I was really impressed with the quality. BTW, probably my favortie trade so far.
  17. Football's for sissies. Go Rugby! I wouldn't want to say that football is for sissies....I can't write in a family friendly forum what football is compared to rugby. GO RUGBY!
  18. I think that folks that give away or accept the hints from others are not caching they are being led/leading on a guided tour.
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