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Everything posted by Shutterpriority

  1. quote:I have a hard time believing that the ribbon cables are just "working themselves loose". Are you sure it isn't being caused from abuse, like dropping the unit a couple of times? I think it might have a bit more to do with how and where you use/carry it. Mine has been either been in a backpack or a computer case every day since I bought it, meaning a lot of moving around. Also, I used it in my car (and rental cars) as well. Lots of time vibrating whilst attached to a windshield. If you only use the Legend on the weekends, you might have better luck....
  2. I've had my Garmin for just about 12 months, and I just got it back from Garmin today for both of these problems. I had heard of the rubber-band problem before, and just figured I would stick it out until I could find some of the "superglue for rubber" talked about in other posts. Then the screen problems started getting bad. I shipped it off to Garmin ASAP. They got it back in less than a week. As far as I can see it is like new. It is not the same unit I sent in (checked serials), but definitely in better shape, and they took the time to transfer my waypoints over. I expected hassles because I was so close to warranty, but they never even asked for proof of purchase, just sent me an RMA number. Their gear may have a few problems (whose doesn't?), but their service does seem to make up for any little gotcha's.
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