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Shadow Gypsy

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Everything posted by Shadow Gypsy

  1. Seems to me that interest isn't going to go up until there IS an app. I actually tried to do this seriously for the first time today because I just started geocaching recently and thought "Hey, I end up in some interesting places that have cool stuff that has nothing to do with geocaching..." So I started looking at Waymarking.com each place we stopped, whether there was a cache or not. Then I realized I can't do it unless I have a computer. A: I can't meet most logging requirements because I can't upload photos with an iPhone. B: finding way marks near me is pain. I either have to use an app that tells me my current location, then manually search for near those coords or I have to get a zip code (also with another app) and then search using that and it tells me the thing I'm standing next to is 50 miles away. C: I can't make my own way marks, because again, I can't upload pictures from my phone. I actually visited something to the effect of 30 waymarks today, and logged 2, because the rest would have been pointless to log on my phone and I have no desire to spend an hour or more backlogging stuff on the horribly cumbersome interface on the web page. If there was an app, I'd definitely pay for it, but until then, I guess all those of us that use iPhones instead of computers are gonna be left out in the cold. Which is sad, because this looks like it would be really interesting and fun. As is though, with no app, it's too much like work. And yes, I feel vaguely dumb saying the same basic thing as Captain Chaoss directly above me. But maybe if it get repeated often enough something will get done about it.
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