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Team 'zZZz'

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Posts posted by Team 'zZZz'

  1. Don't remember wether this edition was really called "Black Onyx" (but that sound familiar to me) but there is a Trade-Only TQ done in antique copper with black translucent color sitting next to me ... :P:lol::D AFAIR 25 were minted ... have to search for the sleeve that this beauty was protected with



    did you ever figure out what your coin was? are you for sure thinking the black is an enamel and not black nickel? i have seen that name "black onyx" also.




    Hi Lara,


    sorry - I do not find the sleeve here (maybe I have to dig to the deeper dungeons of my desk? :) ) so I can't confirm the name. Take an antique copper (the AE from Paula) and fill all "existing spaces" that usually bear different color with black (but you surely can read all engravements like 'moon', 'stars', etc) - that's the Trade-Only.




  2. Don't remember wether this edition was really called "Black Onyx" (but that sound familiar to me) but there is a Trade-Only TQ done in antique copper with black translucent color sitting next to me ... B)B):laughing: AFAIR 25 were minted ... have to search for the sleeve that this beauty was protected with



  3. Congrats kimba off track for getting this wondeful coin ;) !!!


    And, of course, a big and warm "THANK YOU!" to Goofy Cacher for another awesome mystery coin !!!


    ... I can only dream of the small chance that this wonderful coin will cross the pond and show up somewhere here in Germany ...



  4. When I try and link to mygeocoin.com, I get defaulted to geocoinshop.de. Did you try getting it from there? Or emailing them at their contact address? I'd have to assume they have all the codes from the old site.


    Hope that helps.




    Isn't the difference obvious? :laughing:


    The Gauss Coin was sold by my-geocoin.com (Ron de Haan) and not by mygeocoin.com / geocoinshop.de - both are / were different shops.


    Try to contact moenk, he's the admin of the german geocaching forum (geocoinclub.de) and was the initiator of the coin. Maybe he can help ...




  5. Hi Brady,


    First of all a BIG THANK YOU for hosting this 2nd Int. Math Trade!


    As I had the pleasure to run a german-only Math Trade and the 1st Int. Math Trade I surely know how much time, energy and effort you placed in it (not to speak of all the explanations that may have been mailed out). As this was the first geocoin math trade that I participated in as a trader only I was really surprised how smooth everything went! I can't praise you high enough for this!


    Perfect job!


    Back to business again :yikes::yikes:


    From the experience that you've gained through this trade, do you think it would be worth the time to set up some kind of instruction guide dedicated to geocoin math trades? I freely admit that I was thinking of that right after the 1st Int. Math Trade but somehow lost the energy in between (not to speak of the fact that I was a bit unsure wether this will work for me being a non-native speaker) ...


    If you are interested, let me know - maybe we can both combine ideas, text passages etc ...




  6. I was really torn about the "time-out" of this site ... on one hand I was missing several beautifull coins as I wasn't able to check all relevant sites again and again - on the other hand my bank account was totally happy to take a deeeeeep breath :-)


    Welcome back !




  7. moscow or team zzzz, any chance you could give a little insight into the pros & cons of regrouping? Is someone likely to get more trade possibilites with individual coins, or with groups? Is grouping only useful for going after the "big" coins on the list?


    Hi lindsychris,


    Yes, regrouping helps to go for the big coins as your grouped coins will raise usually more attraction than single coins. Keep in mind that other traders now see a chance to trade one of their coins against two (or more) of yours! So a "coin group" will usually appear on more want lists of other traders - which gives the software a greater selection to establish a hugher trade ring for it! Therefore there's a higher chance to get the coin you want!


    You have to deceide for yourself: Do I want as many coins as possible or do I want specific coins and I'm willing to offer multiple coins for it.


    If you group some of your coins, these coins will be merged into a single offer - as a trade is done as "offer against offer" this typically means that you will receive fewer coins than you will trade away. But on the other hand this is a chance to trade away (for example) two or more "not so interesting coins" against an interesting coin.


    I try to see it this way: There is an interesting coin in my offer list and there's an interesting coin offered by someone else. In a face2face trade these two coins would surely be traded against each other. But in a MathTrade there's the situation that several interesting coins are offered so that I can't be sure to get all coins I want. So maybe I can place another coin as "sweetener" to my coin offer that gives me some advantage ;-)


    Hope this helps a bit ... if it doesn't then lets make it a littble bit more visuable ;-)


    Imagine yourself in the middle of a coin convention. You climb on a chair and with a loud voice you shout your offer: "Here's the extraordinary coin ABC - one of a kind - that you are all looking for! I'll wait for your offers!"


    Now ask yourself: Which offer from below you will accept?


    And turn the view: Someone else is staying on the chair and offers this coin - what would you do to get it?


    Yes, at this stage it reminds a bit of an auction ;-)




  8. Looking for:


    - Puzzle set in antique(!) silver

    - Earth Turtle

    - Bitten by Whitebear gold, glow

    - Bitten by Whitebear gold

    - Bitten by Whitebear copper

    - Rainforest Jewel V1 black nickel

    and other coins like these (I think you can guess my prefered style, don't you?) :laughing:




    - German Reviewer black nickel

    - German Reviewer gold

    - Munich 2008 foggy silver

    - Munich 2008 foggy gold

    - Tick geocoin twotone

    - Fam.Bergum black nickel

    - Fam.Bergum gold, glow

    - Fam.Bergum silver

    - Stone of Rosetta antique copper

    - Stone of Rosetta antique gold

    - Stone of Rosetta antique nickel

    and some more stuff ...




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